
The Last Meow Summary

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Not everyone would agree with my position , For example Burkhard Bilger the author of The Last Meow believes that relationships between people and their pets has gone too far in the sense of spending too much money on them with vet and other necessities. Why is it only crazy if people are spending so much money on their pets and not the other things they waste their money on ? More and more animals each day are injured , diagnosed , with brutal injuries. An average American spends over a billion each year at the vet for their pet. That’s three times as much as the federal government spends on welfare grants. According in “The Last Meow” the author Bilger agrees that the amount people are spending on their animals is getting out of hand. If you want to show someone you really …show more content…

I personally think it’s all in the mind about the amount of money you spend on your pet.
Spending too much money on your pet could be a problem vet bills , and dog food receipt’s can get piled up and out of control , but you’re the one deciding to spend that money on the pet, not the animals themselves. It’s all in the head of how you spend your money. “I dont know what i would have done without the cats” she said. “Shawn was working long hours and the pain was so extreme sometimes that i would just go to the bathroom and cry In the Last Meow Karen levering , co-owner of the cat along with Shawn, she explaind that even through tough times in karens life Lady, the cat gave her simple joy and was there to just comfort and lay down with her. Its the special attachment to pets that attracts us to wanting to spend more. Also to try to keep them alive as much as we can because in our own selfish needs , we want them alive to enjoy more simpke moments to guve us

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