
The Last Supper By Sebastiano Ricci

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Art is a particular form of social consciousness and of human activities, an important way for people to perceive, discover and improve life: according to the laws of beauty. It is the creation of tangible or intangible products containing great values of thought-aesthetics, cultural character, and emotions. In this sense, there are numerous types of art. Painting is one of the oldest forms of art on earth. From prehistoric times, artists not only used it to communicate, but they also used painting to entertain the viewers. Painting can be transformed, eliminating the tedium, fatigue, and stress in daily tasks to bring the joy. Fun in life or silence for the soul. In other words, painting is a language that communicates an artist 's ideas …show more content…

In the visual arts, composition is the way to build a work to communicate the intent of the art in the brightest and most persuasive way. The most important thing in composition is the creation of the artistic image. The Last Supper’s composition is very ingenious. Sebastiano arranges the disciples into groups of three, each side of Jesus has two groups. All lines and gestures are centered toward Jesus. From one group to the other, the artist makes an effort to connect with one another in a very natural way; the example of the guy stands on the opposite side of the table on Jesus’s right is putting his hand on the guy’s shoulder that sits next to him to connect the two right-wing groups, and between the two groups on the left, they were making eye contacts.
As we all know, color is the voice for the artist 's sentiment. It makes up the appearance of a picture. Color is the decisive factor in depths of the two-dimensional plane of the artwork, making the viewer feel physically and mentally attracted, or the context of things - the phenomenon the author wants to present. Colors have been around for a long time, but there is not a common definition for colors. And perhaps humans are one of the luckiest creatures that can identify colors. Often, the recipient 's eye knows a myriad of colors and colors that always change based on the relationship between light and perspective. In art, color creates a sense of

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