
The Latehomecomer

Satisfactory Essays

“Kao Kalia Yang.” Coffee House Press. Accessed 2017,

This source provided by Coffee House Press has included an interview with Annie Choi and Kao Kalia Yang. Choi has asked about Yang memoir of her well-known book, The Latehomecomer, has started. During the secret war, her Hmong family went through difficult times. Coming to America, Yang had to learn English and it became a challenge. However, she was able to learn it and grew a passion to write more on papers. When writing her book, she ties in how love and Hmong family relationships are like others making it a universal theme. She hopes that the readers would get an understanding of the Hmong culture and state that it will strengthen America as unique. This is important because we get an insight of Kao Kalia Yang inspiration when writing a book of the Hmong culture and tying it together of being an American.

Bridges, J. “Where and who we came from.” ProQuest, 3 May, 2010, …show more content…

During the secret war, many families had to leave some of their love ones behind in Laos because there was not enough space, money, and time to come to America. A memoir that Kao Kalia wrote reflects on her memories of childhood, the Hmong family cultures and traditions. Some parts in the book includes how they treated their grandmother when she was ill, her funeral, and things they would do to survive in America as immigrants. This sources is important because it describes how Kao Kalia Yang wrote a memoir to reflect her early journey of as a Hmong

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