
The Law On Bad Character Evidence Should Be Treated With Caution

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The quote derived form the Commission report suggests that bad character evidence should be treated with caution. In order to properly engage in the question one must first get a view of the evolution of the law on bad character evidence.

Prior to the Criminal Justice Act 1989, (CJA 1989) at common law the accused was entitled to show evidence of his good character for the purpose of suggesting the he was less likely to have committed the offence. This evidence was only confined to evidence of reputation .
The advent of the CJA 1898 allowed the accused to be a competent (but not compellable) witness in his own defence for the first time. Although the Act did not provide a definition of bad character it was widely accepted to mean both reputation and disposition. If the accused elected to give evidence, he had a shield against cross-examination about the commission or conviction of offences not covered by the indictment, and about his bad character generally. The shield could be removed in situations explained in s.1 (3) such as an assertion of good character or giving evidence against any other person charged in the same proceeding .
Hence the prosecution was not allowed to cross-examine a defendant unless the defendant intentionally threw away the shield by giving evidence of his good character as confirmed then by Viscount Sankey in Maxwell .
Common law also permitted the prosecution to adduce evidence that was relevant to the accused’s guilt of the offence charged,

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