
The Learning Styles Of The Work Produced By Kolb, Peter Honey And Alan Mumford Developed And Identified Four

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As humans, we differ in many ways and our personalities allow us to react and deal with situations as accordingly. However, just as our reactions differ according to our personalities, as learners, we too have preferences to which style we opt for, according to our suitability. There are various styles to learning; based on the work produced by Kolb, Peter Honey and Alan Mumford developed and identified four learning styles which include Pragmatist, Reflector, Activist and Theorist. It is said that in order to achieve the best of our academic abilities, one must understand and use the learning style which is best suited to maximise themselves.

Furthermore, just as how our personalities evolve through experiences, we also change and adjust our learning strategies based on our own development and on the different learning situations in which we find ourselves. By understanding ourselves and becoming more aware of these differences, we become more capable of adjusting to new situations throughout our lifetime as learners. As a keen reader of classic literature and philosophy, a core element found in both is to think things through and then implement them into your life. Through this, I have found that I am a pragmatic learner; in which I often need time to process the information I have found and then learning to practise this within the real world. By doing so, it allows me to respect the challenges I am faced with as well as enriching myself with newfound knowledge.


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