Should the legal driving age be changed to 18?
In New Jersey one of the biggest debates have been about the legal driving age.In most states the current driving age is 16 and although that it is the legal age most people don’t agree with it.The minimum age to obtain one's driver’s license shouldn’t be raised to 18 because most 16 year olds have a much more stabel mind. If you change the minimum driving age to 18, it will be very little different from 16-year-olds because either way they wouldn't have very much driving experience
When 18-year-olds graduate from school, they fool themselves into thinking that they know everything. In this case, they are less inclined to acknowledge instructions about driving, making them dangerous drivers.
Many people think that the driving age should be moved up to age 18 or 21 for teenage drivers in the U.S. I believe that that idea is a futile idea and will not be very effective.
Well we all can't wait to drive and get our license at 16 but some of us are, sometimes a little careless. Did you know that in2013, 2,163 teens in the U.S ages 16-19 were killed and 243,243 were treated in the emergency departments for injuries suffered in motor vehicles crashes. That means that six teens ages 16-19 died every day from motor vehicle injuries. Others are like how would i get to school think about this if there was no cars you would ride a bus or your parents when you were 15 and under you didn't drive and it wouldn't be a problem if you didn't drive till you were 21 nothing would change. Being teens we like to do teen things like party and hang with friends and thing but you have to think
Due to state safety concerns many states have raised the minimum legal age to drive. The state of Virginia, which is where I live, is now thinking of doing the same. This state should be looked at with careful consideration. The state of Virginia will look at all reasons why it should not be raised before coming to a conclusion. The driving age should not be raised because it would be much harder to get a job, having another driver in a large family can help with day to day tasks, and social freedom and growing up.
Do you really want to be stuck at home until you’re 18 doing nothing with your free time while your parents are gone? Don’t you want to be able to roam around places and probably take extracurricular activities on your own time and hang with friends too? Being able to drive is what many children in our society think about these days. When many teenagers reach the age of 15 ½ they are allowed to officially take their permit test to receive their permit for driving with an adult. After they have officially turned 16 they may take the behind-the wheel driving exam for a driver’s license, but the USA plans to change the driving age from 16 to 18. This idea seems to be a mistake seen in many ways. I believe that they shouldn’t change the
The current driving age of sixteen is implemented in almost every state in the United States. Most states have become accustomed to the current driving age, but recently there are certain states that believe that the legal driving age should be raised due to various reasons. The main argument for most states is that sixteen-year old’s are not mature enough and lack the preparation to handle the responsibility to drive safely. Teenagers under the age of eighteen should be required to wait longer to get their license and should be more prepared before getting their license.
Young drivers should have to wait until they are 18 years old to get their license because 16 year olds are more likely to get in an accident than an older driver. One author said, “Sixteen-year-old drivers are the most likely to crash, so raising the age at which teens could get their license would save many lives…” (Rubin). Rubin gives a valid reason to why the minimum driving age should be raised from 16 to 18. If the driving age is raised, there would be less people involved in wrecks, which would help the world out as a whole. Even though 16 year olds are more accident prone than other drivers, taking 16 year olds off of the road would save the lives of everyone on the road. However, there are people who believe that the minimum driving age should not be raised because of various reasons. One article states that, “If they have to wait until they are 17 or 18, they remain dependent on parents practically until they are ready to go off to college, join the military or take a
Turning the age of sixteen is an important part of your life, you get to have that huge birthday party, your parents start giving more respect and responsibility, and of course, you get your drivers license. This might all change if congress pass a bill the was recently proposed. This bill will raise the driving age from sixteen years of age to eighteen years of age. This bill was proposed because teenagers make up 7 percent of Licensed drivers, while they are involved in upwards of 20% of accidents. I do not believe that passing this bill will change any of these statistics because the longer the teenage driver has to wait, the more anxious they will be to drive. They will inexperienced regardless of age, and they also wont be able to
Should the minimum driving age be raised? In the article Traffic Safety Facts the NHTSA states that, 5,864 15 - 20 year old drivers were involved in fatal crashes in 2008, which is a 27% decrease from the crashes in 1998. This is still a big number, and has been tried to be reduced by New Jersey, but ended up not doing much, and instead added and increase of car crashes to an older age group. The minimum driving age should not be raised to allow teens to gain experience, learn responsibility, while staying safe altogether.
Teens tend to be safer drivers then their middle-aged counter parts. The number of 15-20-year-old drivers in 2008 in single-vehicle crashes made up 14%, multi-vehicle was 10.4%, and 15-20year old drivers made up 11.9% of all fatal crashes; while the more middle aged 25-34year old drivers consisted of 20.9% for single vehicle crashes, 19% of all multi-vehicle crashes, and 19.8% of all fatal crashes, immensely higher stats then the teen drivers. This shows that teens are by far safer drivers then the middle aged, mature, adults.
The big debate as to whether the legal driving age should be raised to eighteen is an ongoing issue. There are both arguments for and against this matter. Younger drivers, as well as old ones, can cause many life-threatening accidents; therefore, raising the minimum driving age could significantly reduce the number of accidents. The accident rates can be lowered considerably if the legal driving age is bumped up to eighteen. This would mean that no more kids could get hurt or worse, killed in a car accident.
You can't take something away from teens they have been waiting their whole lives for. A lot of people will be mad at everyone for raising the driving age.
For many teenagers obtaining their driver’s license is the first initial step of becoming an adult. Many political and public figures question the ability to drive legally at age 16; in some states even younger. There are many reasons why many individuals question the legal driving age such as how will impact society? If the legal driving age in the United States is raised to 18 will there be a decrease of accidents? In the United States most states allow teenagers to have a learner’s permit and a driver’s license at age 16. Rising the legal driving age would cut down on car accidents and associated damages, cut down on teen deaths from traffic accidents and allow for teens to gain more experience before driving on their own.
"53% of adults think it's a good idea to raise driving age. It is a current problem because younger drivers will have a hard time making quick decisions to get out of situations." If young drivers are not able to make the decisions then there's a chance that they might hurt others or just get someone killed. One reason is 16 year old brains aren't fully developed another reason is hormones can affect driving skills. Some say it's not a good idea to raise age because children will have to get a ride from parents eventually they will need to drive themselves to events. However, if young children drive they wont know how to act during a road situation. The minimum driving age in Washington state should be raised. The government should raise the
Statistics show that ‘in 2011, about 2,650 teens in the United States aged 16-19 were killed’ and almost 300,000 teens were severely injured from fatal crashes. Every day, 7 teens die from car crashes/injuries. Newly licensed drivers who are aged 16-19 are at a higher risk of fatal crashes than drivers aged 20 and over. As well, many of these crashes are caused by teens that text, talk, or drink and drive. Inexperienced drivers, who are many 16 -19 year olds in the United States cause higher insurance, accidents and crashes, and so, the legal driving age should be increased to 18.
The minimum driving age should not get raised or lowered. In Illinois, for example, the driving age rests at 16 years old. At a first glance, it seems better to wait until teens become older to begin driving. However, no matter what age a person starts driving, the driver ultimately determines how safely he or she will drive. The pointlessness of raising the driving age appears for many reasons. The 16-year-old requirement to receive a driver's license, a standard and common rule, lives on. All but a few states use this standard. The common driving age should stay at 16 because accidents happen to everyone, 16-year-olds should learn responsibility, immaturity occurs at all ages, and 16-year-olds have good mental development.