Kyler Smith
“Marijuana Legalization”
The legality of cannabis varies from country to country. Possession of cannabis is illegal in most countries and has been since the beginning of widespread cannabis prohibition in the late 1930s. However, possession of the drug in small quantities had been decriminalized in many countries and sub-national entities in several parts of the world. Furthermore, possession is legal or effectively legal in the Netherlands, Uruguay, and in the US states of Colorado, Oregon, Alaska and Washington as the federal government has indicated that it will not attempt to block enactment of legalization in those states. The federal district of Washington D.C. legalized cannabis for possession and use in 2015 but was blocked by a Congressional rider from instituting commercial sales and taxation. Cannabis is also legal in some U.S cities such as Portland and South Portland, both of which are in Mane. And the United States Department of Justice is allowing all recognized Indian Reservations to regulate the legalization of cannabis, and the laws are allowed to be different from Federal and state law. On 10 December 2013, Uruguay became the first nation in the world to legalize the sale, cultivation, and distribution of cannabis.
The medicinal use of cannabis is legal in a little bit of countries, including Canada, the Czech Republic and Israel. The federal law in the United States no longer has a ban on the use of medical marijuana. States that
In the United States, more than ten states have legalized the use of marijuana for medical reasons. These states include California, Hawaii, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Vermont, Rhode Island, Nevada, and Washington among others. The Supreme Court of
Other states, such as California, have allowed the medical use of Cannabis, and have even decriminalized the plant, as deeming Cannabis as an illegal drug [12].
The legalization of recreational marijuana has recently been a widely debated topic, especially since medical marijuana was legalized in several states. Critics say that cannabis is a Class I drug that has both negative health effects and behavior effects. However, there is minimal evidence to support these claims, and none of the benefits of marijuana are taken into consideration when the arguments are made. The possession and use of recreational marijuana should be legalized in the United States because it would provide a steady source of income for the government in the form of taxation, it would reduce the sale of more dangerous drugs since they would not be present in dispensaries.
The United States made the use of marijuana illegal in 1937 (Marijuana Tax Act, 2015). In 2009, New Mexico was the first state that allowed marijuana as a treatment for patients with
While there will be a continuing battle against medical marijuana for years to come there have been 16 states, including Washington D.C that have enacted laws to legalize medical marijuana: California – 1996, Alaska – 1998, Oregon – 1998, Washington – 1998, Maine – 1999, Colorado – 2000, Hawaii – 2000, Nevada – 2000, Montana – 2004, Vermont – 2004,
Marijuana is so popular and used all over this society, marijuana has been restricted ("Medical marijuana for pain and depression"). There are 20 states including Washington D.C. that has made medical marijuana legal. Eighteen states required proof of residency to be prescribed for medical marijuana. A patient can get so much medical marijuana as long they have a medical card. In order to receive a medical card, you have to a condition that requires having this therapeutic substance. Amsterdam is a place you can go to get marijuana without getting prescribed. Amsterdam has coffee shops that a person can purchase marijuana and also have variety of marijuana.
In November 2012, Washington and Colorado became the first states to allow its recreational use. Marijuana however can still be obtained for medical use in eighteen other states. It is popular with cancer patients who suffer from pain or nausea caused by chemotherapy.
B. A federal law was passed in 1937 making the possession and sell of the plant genus cannabis illegal. Medicinal marijuana has been legal since as early in 1996 in California via state law. Across the United States, 24 states allow cannabis for medical reasons and four allow marijuana for all purposes, including recreational. Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Colorado and Washington D.C. are all states that allow the drug to be used for purposes exceeding medical needs. These states can be used as examples as the rest of the country decides to legalize the plant or allow the federal law to remain in effect.
Today marijuana is only legal for recreational use in a few states such as Washington, Colorado, Alaska, and Oregon. There are several other states that have it legalized for medical purposes. States from California all the way to main, but there are still several states who don't have marijuana legalized even for medical benefits such as Florida.
Marijuana, or cannabis, is a plant well known throughout the entire country. In the United States, a total of 23 states and the District of Columbia have legalized the use of marijuana in some shape or form, whether it be recreational or medicinal (State Marijuana). Recreational uses of the plant are legal to anyone over the age of 21, in the states that have passed laws to legalize free use. Medicinally, Marijuana has been legal for several years.
The current background on the situation is that 23 states and The District of Columbia(D.C) have legalized medical marijuana although other states have legalized cannabidiol ‒a non-psychoactive marijuana extract‒and others states require a doctor to prescribe the cannabis, but this is actually illegal under federal law, so these states are not included. Four states and Washington D.C
Marijuana use should not be legalized and must be discouraged as it is harmful and creates problems for the society
Medicinal marijuana has been legalized in 24 states, and many more states have brought the issue to the ballots. The 24 states that have legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes are Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington (“23 Legal”). In recent years, medical marijuana has been a hot topic in the United States. On a federal level, medical marijuana is still classified as a Schedule I drug and is illegal even in medical trials; however, on a state level, the issue of marijuana is not so clear cut. Many people from both sides of the political sphere have weighed in on the issue, and it is clear that this is not something that will be going away anytime in the near future. Legalizing
In addition to the medicinal value of marijuana many governments both in the United States as well as across the globe have already moved to legalize it for recreational use as well. According to the legality of marijuana for general or recreational use varies from country to country but as of 2015 Bangladesh, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, the Czech Republic, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Uruguay, Germany, the Netherlands, some U.S. states, Native American Indian reservations, and cities as well as some territories of Australia have the least
Supporting Detail: Medical marijuana is legal in 23 states including Washington D.C the district had approved marijuana for recreational use but it is still illegal at the federal level. 32 States including the District of Columbia has legalized marijuana to treat diseases, Marijuana supporters said that they feel more confident than ever because congress were seeing their point of view.