“Normally, the crickets and birds sang in the evening before the sun went down. But this time they didn't, and darkness set in very fast. The moon wasn't in the sky; the air was stiff, as if nature itself was afraid of what was happening”
Once upon a time in a village where animals talked casually and at night the ants and mosquitos would sing, lived a moon called Liv. Liv was more than 10,000 years old and everyone respected her like they did their parents and grandparents. Until one day that all started to change. In the village it was rare to see anybody out a night because that was Liv’s meditation time. She would would think on the future and what it holds for the village. When it was about time for the sun to come up she would call a
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One day a family of crickets moved into the village. They traveled the world looking for a place to rest and focus on their family. The night before Liv told the wolf of their arrival. She told him that in her meditation she saw that a crickets will cause a problem and the only one to stop this was the frog from the next village. As Liv’s messenger, the wolf went on the trip to get the frog before sun came up. Meanwhile in the village, the crickets were unpacking when the youngest son Billy wanted to explore the village. “Mama I want to see if they have a basketball court!” Billy explained. “No child! We just got here let us unpack” Billy mother said. “Niceeeeeee I'm going to my room” Billy said. So as Billy went to his room, he saw the front door open and went towards it. When he was at the front door he saw the wolf leaving out his hut with a suitcase. “Hello I'm Billy and we just moved here! What's your name sir?” Billy asked. When the wolf looked up and saw the young cricket he gasped. “I'm in a hurry child! No time for talking bye!” The wolf said as he rushed down the road. “I wonder if everyones like this in this village” Billy said. So Billy made his way down the
“So it goes with me day by day and age by age, I tell myself. Locked in the deadly progression of moon and stars. I shake my head, muttering darkly on shaded paths, holding conversation with the only friend and comfort this world offers, my shadow.” (Gardener 8)
“Night. No one prayed, so that the night would pass quickly. The stars were only sparks of fire which devoured us. Should that fire die out one day, there would be nothing left in the sky but dead stars, dead eyes” ( Wiesel 18).
The myth explains that the Grandmother became the moon and presides mostly in the Night because her favourite twin, the left-handed twin, represents the night.
Some nights the sky wept stars that quickly floated and disappeared into the darkness before our wishes could meet them. Under these stars and sky I used to hear stories, but now it seemed as if it was the sky that was telling us a story as its stars fell, violently colliding with each other. The moon hid behind clouds to avoid seeing what was happening” (Beah 80).
For the first seven days of the earth’s life the plants and animals were to watch over it during the night to keep it safe. Because many of the animals and plants fell asleep, only the ones who stayed awake were rewarded.
The sun had started going down and the blazing heat that accompanied July with it as the stars and crickets started slowly making appearances. The day was coming to an end and I was sleepier than ever due to the intense heat that seemed to drain every
This upcoming presidential election includes a diverse pool of candidates, with a wide variety of opinions coming from different backgrounds. There is one candidate that stands out among the rest: Vermont senator Bernie Sanders. He has decades of experience in politics, which is immensely important for someone holding the position of President. During his time in public service he has demonstrated that he is committed, strong, productive, fair, and honest. Sanders relies on his policies and ideas significantly more than flaunting a charming personality to gain support, and he is able to do this because he has always put a lot of consideration into the decisions he makes. Furthermore, he has always been a strong supporter of quality of opportunity, which is the political ideal advocating the view that the assignment of individuals to places in the social hierarchy is determined by some form of competitive process; all members of society are eligible to compete on equal terms. As president, Sanders would take many steps toward improving this aspect of society. He recognizes that currently there is great disparity in the balance of power, and he has consistently fought towards making the U.S.A. a country where everyone is well taken care of and has access to what they need. If Sanders becomes president, he will fight for everyone to have an equal chance of achieving their own American Dream.
1. Read "Cincinnatus Saves Rome: A Roman Morality Tale" (5-1b). In this excerpt, does Livy's story appear to be historically valid? Why or why not? Why were the "common folk" less pleased than the officials at seeing the Dictator? Were their fears accurate and what were their views of him likely to have been twenty days later? What elements of this story inspired later generations to hail Cincinnatus as "the noblest Roman of them all"?
“Night exposes much that is wrong with human nature and reveals little that is right.” Discuss.
Steinbeck very intelligently shows the dying of day through the lengthening “shadows” and that darkness is taking over. By
However before the moon was described as bringing light into the child’s room. This contrast perhaps highlights the negative emotions that everyone must ‘carry’, despite the positive, good emotions, creating a balance. Also, by describing the moon as a traveller highlights the potentially infrequent ‘visits’ of the child’s mother, in contrast to most mothers who are a constant part of their child’s life.
Earthquakes have the potential to destroy and cause a lot of harm or they just make the ground shake a little. Sometimes earthquakes with low magnitudes cause a lot of harm, and a high magnitude one causes a small amount of damage. This usually isn’t the case. Two Earthquakes with high magnitudes each caused a different amount of damage. These two are the earthquake that happened in Sumatra, Indonesia in December 26, 2004, and the earthquake that happened in Rat Island , Alaska in April 2, 1965.
”The grasshopper and the bell cricket” is a short story, written by Yasunari Kawabata, written in a narrative perspective of someone watching children searching for insects using colored and decorated lanterns. I would like to think that the author is trying to symbolize life, and that it is not only one path to go. We are all aiming for acceptance and to fit in to the society, but this story tells us that
Typically, the person that is doing the cyber bullying is generally a victim of bullying themselves. How is cyberbullying done? Normally, the use of electronic devices to send messages that tend to emotional hurt someone's feelings. Social media can lead to many negative outcomes when communicating to others. For example, if a teenage boy responds on a girl’s photo stating she is “ugly” is considered online bullying. One popular social media site is Facebook that over millions of people use for communicating. Facebook can be a positive source to communicate with family and friends that you may not see often. Also, it can be a very negative source that a lot of people use to criticize one another. Therefore, cyberbullying
The sunset was not spectacular that day. The vivid ruby and tangerine streaks that so often caressed the blue brow of the sky were sleeping, hidden behind the heavy mists. There are some days when the sunlight seems to dance, to weave and frolic with tongues of fire between the blades of grass. Not on that day. That evening, the yellow light was sickly. It diffused softly through the gray curtains with a shrouded light that just failed to illuminate. High up in the treetops, the leaves swayed, but on the ground, the grass was silent, limp and unmoving. The sun set and the earth waited.