
The Liberties Of The United States

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Within the Constitution of the United States of America, the word “privacy” appears exactly zero times. Not once does the legal document that outlines the social order of the United Sates, define, or explicitly state a “right to privacy” for its citizens. Even with this fact prevailing over society, American citizens still esteem privacy in the highest regard. According to a survey conducted by the PEW Research Center, a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America, “93 percent of adults say that being in control of who can get information about them is important… 88 percent [of Americans] say it is important that they not have someone watch or listen to them without their …show more content…

I hypothesize that modern day Americans greatly value privacy because throughout American history and culture, citizens have been encouraged to own personal possessions such as property, people, and tangible materials while also maintaining a sense of power in relation to others within society. For example in the late 1800s, American corporations as well as economically invested individuals bought and took ownership of tribal land in Hawaii . Land was taken by Americans and claimed as “private property” in a culture in which the concepts of privacy and property possession were foreign. After some time, Americans possessed ownership of a majority of Hawaiian land and this allowed them the power to manipulate the land in whatever manner they deemed suitable. Privacy, the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people, quickly became a concept relevant to land ownership in Hawaii . A historical account such as this, is only one instance of the American values of ownership and power intersecting to facilitate a desire for privacy. It is clear that Americans for centuries have valued their privacy as evidenced by the relationship between Hawaii and America, but nonetheless it is unclear as to what extent Americans can exercise their privacy. To further understand why the right for privacy needs to be explicitly addressed in American law, recent

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