Mathematicians have always formed a very important role in history. From the Greeks to the modern era, mathematicians have made spectacular discoveries and critical contributions to the world of mathematics. Because of great mathematicians, the human race is exploring and discovering unknown boundaries of space and technology. The life of Carl Friedrich Gauss was full of phenomenal adventures and discoveries. He was born in Brunswick, Germany on April 30th, 1777 to poor working class parents. Gauss’ father was known as a hard worker and an honest man but heavily discouraged Gauss from attending school to follow a family trade. On the other hand, Gauss’ mother and uncle recognized his remarkable intelligence at an early age. Gauss’ intelligence was so powerful that one day at the age ten solved the problem that his arithmetic instructor gave him with one number, 5,050. The “simple” math problem for Gauss was to write all whole numbers between one and 100 and add up their sum. Furthermore, he first went to college at the age of fourteen and was financially sustained by Carl Wilhelm Ferdinand who was the Duke of Brunswick. While studying language at Caroline College, he discovered that a regular polygon with seventeen sides could be drawn with a compass and a straight edge. He was so impressed with his discovery that he turned to study mathematics. Mathematics composed a vital part of the life of Friedrich Gauss. All of his contributions and advancements were so
Being one of the greatest philosophers of his time, Pythagoras created a society of skilled mathematicians who worked together to facilitate mathematics, showed how numbers can be independent, and proved the Pythagorean theorem, making him iconic in mathematics today. His discoveries of simple yet essential methods are prevalent today throughout many mathematical fields in which they are treasured.
Many women have achieved in the mathematics field since the 1900’s. Especially women of color. No matter how young or old, these women have taken their careers in mathematics to an inspiring degree. Take the following women as examples, for they have created history in mathematics forever.
There are few women that have made an impact on the math society compared with the number of men. A person can ramble off names such as Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Pythagoras of Samos, and Jean-François Niceron. Where are the women mathematicians? This paper will examine the lives of women that have made an impact on the world of
Born on the Greek island of Samos around 570 BC, Pythagoras grew up and traveled widely before establishing a religious colony in Croton. His religious contributions and philosophy made more of an impact on his contemporaries than did his mathematical contributions. Yet, today he is remembered as the man behind the famous Pythagorean Theorem. This paper will examine both Pythagoras' life and his gift to math.
ne of the main purposes of these posts is to bring to life some of the men and women who paved the way for us as marketing researchers, by discovering the properties of numbers, mathematics and statistics that provide for us much of the science behind what we do. In this article we’re going to take a brief look at Carl Friedrich Gauss.
Leonhard Euler was an 18th century physicist and scholar who was responsible for developing many concepts that are an integral part of modern mathematics. Leonhard Euler is considered one of the most renowned and respected mathematician of all times. Euler is known for the tremendous contributions he made to the field of mathematicians. Many concepts of today’s mathematics originated from the works of this phenomenal mathematician. Euler works spanned many fields including mechanics, fluid dynamics, optics, astronomy, and music theory. His interest in mathematics began in his childhood from the teachings of his father, Paul Euler. Johann Bernoulli, another great mathematician in his time, was a friend of Leonard’s father was a major influence in Euler. According to Gottschling, Leonard works covered many areas such as algebra, geometry, calculus. Trigonometry, and number theory. Two numbers are named after Euler which are Euler’s Number in calculus,
He had many discoveries that contributed greatly to the mathematical community as well as to the world. Most of his mathematical contributions were in the area of Geometry, but he had many contributions in Algebra and Science as well. He was fascinated with geometry and spent much time drawing out geometrical figures and formulating proofs and theorems. Archimedes determined the exact value of π. he obtained this by circumscribing and inscribing a circle with regular polygons having 96 sides. he also discovered the relation between the surface and volume of a sphere and its circumscribing cylinder.
Carl Friedrich Gauss had influenced the fields of mathematics and science to an illimitable extent. Gauss is referred to as the greatest mathematician of all time along with Isaac Newton and Archimedes. He is a man who is known for making groundbreaking theorems that would advance mathematics and science by several years. His contributions to the fields of number theory, non-euclidean geometry, astronomy, and algebra, is unfathomable. Most of his works were later discovered by other mathematicians as he did not publish his works since he feared error. However, he attained self-honor as he pursued his research in which he found truths that would influence generations to come. To this day, Carl Friedrich Gauss is referred to as the Princeps
Geometry and Algebra are so crucial to the development of the world it is taught to every public high school in the United States, around 14.8 million teenagers each year (National Center for Education Statistics). Mathematics is the engine powering our world; our stocks, economy, technology, and science are all based off from math. Math is our universal and definite language “I was especially delighted with the mathematics, on account of the certitude and evidence of their reasonings.” (Rene Descartes, 1637).
David Hilbert was a German mathematician whose research and study of geometry, physics, and algebra revolutionized mathematics and went on to introduce the mathematic and scientific community with a series of mathematical equations that have yet to be solved. Furthermore, his study of mathematics laid the groundwork for a variety of ongoing mathematic analyses, which continue to influence the world today.
At age 13 she began her research in math reading works of Leonhard Euler, Lagrange, Legendre, and Gauss. She spent this time confined to her house due to the fact there was common french revolts. She spent this time in her father’s library. Germaine began teaching herself mathematics. Her parents thought the hobby she took up was not suitable hobby. Germaine persisted, her parents
Mathematics has always been described as the purest science and considered as one of the most important aspects in many countries around the world, especially developed countries. Theoretically, the most significant requirements for a life of a mathematician is the mathematical ability. Nevertheless, very few women get involve in this field, which creates a myth, and slowly develops into a stereotype in society, that women are naturally not good at math. However, many people would be surprised, that “the world’s greatest living mathematician for a time was a women” (Deakin 13). Hypatia of Alexandria was, indeed, a physically beautiful woman who used her talent and intelligence to defy the stereotypes against
What makes this more amazing is that nobody had taught him arithmetic. He picked it up on his own. Although Gauss showed great intelligence, his father refused to send him to school. His family was very poor as his father worked as a gardener, canal tender, and bricklayer (Bell 218). His dad wanted his son to follow in the family’s footsteps and work as a laborer. However, his mother intervened and sent him to school when he was seven. His teacher, Büttner, was a cold-hearted teacher who loved proving to his students how ignorant they were (Bell 221). At the age of ten, Gauss “discovered” a formula that would change his future forever. Büttner asked his students to add up the numbers between one and a hundred. He figured this would keep his students busy all day. However, Gauss noticed a pattern. Without anyone showing him the formula [n(n+1)]/2, Gauss derived it and solved the problem quickly (Burton 510). Büttner was so impressed by this that he bought Gauss a math book and had his assistant, Johann Bartels, work with the young boy (Bell 222). The friendship that developed between Bartels and Gauss led Bartels to introduce Gauss to Carl Wilhelm Ferdinand, the Duke of Brunswick (Bell 224). The Duke ended up paying for Gauss to continue his education at Caroline College, which was actually a preparatory school, and then
His work is the most pioneering in the fields of mathematics that established his legacy in geometry, calculus and trigonometry. Leonard Euler’s work is responsible for the development of modern mathematics through the application of his concepts.
Mathematics is the one of the most important subjects in our daily life and in most human activities the knowledge of mathematics is important. In the rapidly changing world and in the era of technology, mathematics plays an essential role. To understand the mechanized world and match with the newly developing information technology knowledge in mathematics is vital. Mathematics is the mother of all sciences. Without the knowledge of mathematics, nothing is possible in the world. The world cannot progress without mathematics. Mathematics fulfills most of the human needs related to diverse aspects of everyday life. Mathematics has been accepted as significant element of formal education from ancient period to the present day. Mathematics has a very important role in the classroom not only because of the relevance of the syllabus material, but because of the reasoning processes the student can develop.