
The Limits Of A Pragmatic Justification Of Praise And Blame

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I did not find other sources published by Ryan; however, this article backed up with many other references and linked in the field of study to other peer-reviewed journals. I did not find his article in others’ articles or journals. Author’s purpose here is the abstract concept and correlation to the capricious law system in relative comparison to free will and moral obligations, and the pragmatic inconsistency of social and personal implications. I personally find this work intriguing and potential to expand the concept to a refined conundrum of personal reflection of our interaction in these social settings and the human nature to pass judgment in team or group settings. Interpersonal communication given the conflict of attitude or behavior types as discussed with positive and negative emotions. I ran across this peer reviewed article doing a search for “pragmatic while still being …show more content…

We lack the emotion and attitude that increases the probability of the kind of free will to substantiate and validate true moral responsibility to praise or blame people for their actions. Ryan states that we have very little control of our character, that our perception of our moral responsibility in relationships is contingent on the perception of others and ourselves like respect and admiration. Daft asserts that sensation-feeling individuals are pragmatic (practical, logical, and rational). If we negate this concept and perception with unwarranted emotion and attitude of an individual’s freedom and responsibility, we can reduce our ethical and emotional state of mind unleashing attitude that could lead to wrath or hatred, even violent behavior. Daft discusses external locus of control and these individuals are hard to motivate, tendency to blame

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