So is this another standard of what is considered a masterpiece? Does the background (personal life, education attainment, etc.) of the litterateurs matter when surveying their works? The answer is debatable but from what was discussed earlier about art never improves but medium varies, the answer would have to be no. For if art or literary piece have only mixed influences from the past and it would only be a vain attempt of the author to do an individual literary piece, because the connection of past and present cannot ever be severed. The past directs the present and the present gives light to the past. Another reason for abandoning or considering the litterateur dead is because of the role of audience. The reading audience is the ultimate
In the last month there has been an act passed called The Fugitive Slave Act that states that people from the south can go into the north get the slave that escaped to the north so that they can be free. What my question is what to stop the men from the south from walking right into our free slave territory and taking any slave that they want. There is no way to tell the difference from the slave that ran to freedom and the ones that have been living in the north for some time as free men. Are we really only supposed to take the slave catchers word for if this slave is there’s or not. Also we have no proof that a slave even ran away it could be in some cases that the men from the south want more man power on the factories and plantation and are just taking free slaves.
Louis L'Amour was a well-known American Western novelist and short story writer. The two books of his we read in class were Hondo and The Quick and the Dead. The two major characters, Hondo Lane and Con Vallian, are the same in some ways and different in others. Both are loners and are at different points in their loner lives. For example, Hondo is worried about Angie, so he asks her to come with him. He does not stay when she asks him to and he goes anyways. Whereas, somebody like Vallian runs into the Mckaskel’s and seems to keep returning to help them as he develops a strong bond with the family. Both Hondo and Vallian have different heroic qualities. Vallian is the character that picks and chooses when and where he wants to be sociable
According to Edgar Allan Poe’s “Single Effect Theory”, “the short story writer should deliberately subordinate everything in the storycharacters, incidents, style, and toneto [the] brining out of a single, preconceived effect” (qtd. in Reuben). In other words, all elements within a short story have to come together to create tone. One such story is the “The Dead”, an exceptional conclusion to James Joyce Dubliners (1914) that is a collection of short stories that consist of natural depictions of middle class Irish men and women in the early twentieth century. The primary focus of “The Dead” concerns not only dead people, but more specifically a dead generation and the living who behave as if they were dead already. Through artistic
Corr, C. A., Corr, D. M., & Bordere, T. C. (2013). Death & dying, life & living. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
isolated when she wanted to stay out of Glen’s sight since she was scared that Glen was going to
This summer, I read the book The Dead by Charlie Higson is a novel about a large group of kids, left to live by themselves without guidance from their parents. In this run-down setting of London, England, people who are over the age of 16 turn into kid hunting, flesh-eating zombies. The younger kids are forced to live on their own, fighting for life against the wrath of the Adults. The message Higson showed in his book is: after people are forced to rely on themselves without experience, their lack of experience and knowledge will lead them to failure.
Edna St. Vincent Millay’s “Thou famished grave” and “Mindful of you” both include the themes of death, however, “Thou famished grave” uses the personification of a grave as a starving beast, diction to add imagery of starvation, and an image of a strong will to live to show the resentfulness and bitterness that the speaker has towards death, while, “Mindful of you” uses the imagery and personification of the four seasons to remember someone close who has died, to express that although death may take people physically, but they live and are remembered through memories.
Lasting over six years, the Holocaust is frequently considered to be the largest annihilation of humans in history; yet, even during its climax, the western powers were practically unaware of the scope of genocide Hitler’s army was committing until after Germany lost the war. Although Robert Brown aptly described the Holocaust as “such depressing subject matter” (v), he furthers, “Those who hope for hope--after an eternity--are entitled to do so only if they have measured that which has the power to obscure hope, only if they have lived in the shadow of utter denial. The rest of us, who have not inhabited the innermost circle of hell, can never know what it was like to be there” (vi). Yet, there are
With the fast-paced globalization together with the heightening political economic issues of the world, it has brought forth the illegal immigrants to cross the Sonoran Desert of Southern Arizona, or as the anthropologist, Jason De León describes it, The Land of the Open Graves. However, there is more to unauthorized immigration than what meets the eye. Scratching the surface of the case of undocumented migrants reveals that it rooted from the intensifying global inequality and crisis of the world. Accordingly, the author’s decision to vividly depict the brutality beyond words the undocumented migrants had suffered while crossing the borders allows the readers to see the bigger picture behind illegal immigration, preventing further unnecessary deaths of the innocents.
The westward expansion of slavery was one of the most dynamic economic and social processes going on in this country. The Industrial Revolution had changed every aspect of American life and the country’s borders spread westward with the addition of the Mexican Cession—opening new cotton fields. To maintain the original Constitutional balance of lawmaking power, Congress continued to play the compromise game in 1820 and 1850 to maintain an equal number of free and slave votes in the Senate (where every state had two votes).
With the passing of Justice Scalia in West Texas on February 13, 2016, at the age of seventy-nine, the Supreme Court now proceeds forward with its cases with eight justices (Liptak). These eight justices now represent the polarized state of American politics. The nomination process that now represents the foremost partisan conflict originally based itself more on qualifications and less on ideology, but with the failed appointment of Robert Bork in 1987, the process transformed its focus from the merits of a candidate to the interests of political parties. As such, when observing the confirmations of Scalia in 1986 and Kagan in 2010, Justice Scalia’s appointment process lacked politicization and controversy in comparison to the multitude of
In Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”, a crucial statement is declared about how he views the inner workings of men, as well as how men interact with women in society. The narrative is based around the horrific murder of two defenseless women, which seems to have been committed by a mystery “beast”. Poe demonstrates the primitive violent forces that exist within people, particularly men, which have the ability to escape in shocking ways, often against a woman. Poe uses violence as a negative, inhumane act, in order to reinforce the innate brutal impulses that are just under the surface of all male beings.
“The Murders in the Rue Morgue,” written by Edgar Allan Poe in 1841 is considered to be the first true detective story ever written, and the influence for works such as Sherlock Holmes. The narrator and his friend C. Auguste Dupin, after finding out about an intriguing murder, find themselves trying to free an innocent man and find the real beast behind the murders in the rue morgue. Through Poe’s use of symbolism and vivid imagery, the theme of the story is revealed as the struggle between the analytical, emotional, and imaginative. The Murders in the Rue Morgue presents a recurring theme of the battle between the analytical, emotional, and imaginative. In the beginning of the story, Poe describes a chess battle in great detail,
When people hear the word “forensics” it evokes a mindful of graphic, vibrant images that bring about death and crime. It’s a trigger word that reminds people of gore, autopsies, DNA, death investigations, and bullet holes. This word means so much more than just those few examples of what forensics hold. Forensics is such a broad term- it is “scientific tests or techniques used in connection with the detection of a crime”, so with that given definition forensics could mean many different things. You could go from someone who works as the forensic computer technician who can hack into a sexual predator’s hard drive in the matter of seconds to a forensic anthropologist who studies bones in a legal case. All though there
In the novel The Dead, Gabriel Conroy, who is the nephew of Julia and Kate Morkan, is the main character of the story. One night he and his wife attended a party, which was given by his two aunts, and there were many other members in the party. The story revolves around their life and memories.Gabriel Conroy felt a blur between his soul and the dead. Some people died, but they are still alive because they have true love. Some people are alive, but they are still dead because they never love.I like the story for three reasons.