
The Little Mouse - Original Writing

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The little mouse crouched in the bush. Ginger went into a hunting crouch he snuck up on the mouse. Right when he was about to pounce, he heard a grumbling the mouse scapered away and Ginger woke up with a start. He jumped down from his twoleg bed and walked out into the kitchen. He had been having this dream for many moons now. He looked down at his food bowl and ate the food. His fur was glimmering in the morning sun. His dream reminded him of how he always wanted to live in the forest and hunt for mice. He went out to his twolegs’ garden. He looked at the forest beyond his home. He wanted to go and live a life in the forest ever since he was a kit. He had heard of stray cats that lived in the forest beyond. He thought that maybe he could join them.
He decided it was time he journeyed away from his home into the forest beyond. He knew it was going to be hard but it was life he had always dreamed of. He thought that maybe other cats might want to come along with him. He knew that none of his kittypet friends would want to come along. “I might be able to find other cats along the way”, he thought. He knew that it was to early to leave today. He to prepare for the long journey ahead. He had to find the cats that wanted to go with him today. He jumped down from the fence and started looking.
“This task is harder than I inferred”, he said to himself. Maybe I should ask some cats I know, he thought. None of the cats knew any strays that might want to come with him, but one cat

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