
The Long Term Trajectory Of Problem Gaming Symptoms Among Adult Regular Video Gamers

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An epidemic is beginning to sweep this nation. In this modern society, a majority of children, teens, and some adults are showing signs of what some experts refer to as video game addiction. Many professionals have differing opinions on the addictive nature of video games, but it does not take an expert to see that children are no longer playing outside, toddlers have learned how to operate pieces of technology that are challenging to some adults and cry when they are taken away from them, and some adults jeopardize their health every year by risking malnutrition and heart disease all in the attempts to play video games.
A study was conducted in order to assess and determine the detrimental effects of video game overload. “The purpose of the present study was to examine the long term trajectory of problem gaming symptoms among adult regular video gamers.” (King, Delfabbro, & Griffiths, 2013, p. 72) This was a long term study of adult participants. There have been few studies on the harmful effects of video game addiction in the past ten years, and almost all of them used different forms of methodology, sample sizes, and recruitment methods; there have been less than 60 professionally done empirical studies on this matter (King et al., 2013.) The movement has picked up a good deal of support recently, with the last five years consisting of several large studies on mostly adolescent gamers, but at the time of this study, gaming addiction had still yet to be included in major

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