An epidemic is beginning to sweep this nation. In this modern society, a majority of children, teens, and some adults are showing signs of what some experts refer to as video game addiction. Many professionals have differing opinions on the addictive nature of video games, but it does not take an expert to see that children are no longer playing outside, toddlers have learned how to operate pieces of technology that are challenging to some adults and cry when they are taken away from them, and some adults jeopardize their health every year by risking malnutrition and heart disease all in the attempts to play video games.
A study was conducted in order to assess and determine the detrimental effects of video game overload. “The purpose of the present study was to examine the long term trajectory of problem gaming symptoms among adult regular video gamers.” (King, Delfabbro, & Griffiths, 2013, p. 72) This was a long term study of adult participants. There have been few studies on the harmful effects of video game addiction in the past ten years, and almost all of them used different forms of methodology, sample sizes, and recruitment methods; there have been less than 60 professionally done empirical studies on this matter (King et al., 2013.) The movement has picked up a good deal of support recently, with the last five years consisting of several large studies on mostly adolescent gamers, but at the time of this study, gaming addiction had still yet to be included in major
Whether gambling, alcohol or shopping, it is surprising to find video games being a part of this growing list. Video game addiction is a growing epidemic that is running rampant through the world, including parts of Asia. Death from video games is becoming more common and sounds like a horror story (Flanagan). Contributing to the increase are illnesses and social disorders, two well-known conditions being social anxiety and depression. By shutting themselves out from the real world, the only light being the screen of their television or computer and eyes glued to the screen, their basic needs are ignored.
In today’s culture, people who regularly play video games have been stereotypically viewed as overweight, lazy, slobs, who can’t keep a job and never leave their homes. However, a majority of the population plays video games or owns a console. These stereotypes mostly apply to PC gamers, and MMO players in particular. While most people don’t develop such severe addictions to the game, there is a group of people who suffer. These people are usually imagined as overweight men in their parent’s basements, sporting acne and greasy hair. There are most definitely people that fit this profile, however, video game addiction can claim many different people from many different walks of life. It is most definitely a serious issue, but some people don’t see the degree to which it affects everyday life. Personally, I feel that I can elaborate on the matter with a different perspective, as I have been closeup and personal to video game addiction.
The ideas of video games and computer entertainment are often met with a concern for children or society. The belief that a violent computer or video game could have negative everlasting effects on individuals has coexisted since their creation. All across the globe many forms of computer entertainment have been blamed for the alleged increase in aggressiveness, violence, and addiction in both children and adults. While those who are in closely related fields may see the benefits from such technology many still forgo the positive applications of this so-called entertainment. Since the mainstream appearance of computer entertainment multiple organizations have devised beneficial methods in order to help educate parents and end-users on the material
The videogame addiction may seem funny or ridiculous, but in reality it is a dangerous obsession that truly exposes several needs that have yet to be addressed within the afflicted. Addiction is a damaging problem, and the impact of varying sorts of addictions, such as illegal and
In Iran, there are few and limited studies on the effects of addiction to computer games on players. Considering the increasing rate of addiction to computer games among Iranian adolescents and youth, the present study was conducted to
Video game addiction is not yet recognized by the American Medical Association as a diagnosable disorder, but addiction has become a very real problem for many video game players. An addiction is when the person needs more and more of a substance or behavior to keep them going, and if the person does not get more, they can become irritable and miserable. Compulsive gaming meets these criteria, and there have been many studied instances where severe withdrawal symptoms in game addicts are seen when parents take away the child’s electronic gaming system. According to chapter three of the book, a study in Singapore of 3,000 middle schoolers found that the
The average adolescent spends a major part of the normal week watching or interacting with some form of the media’s products. Video games are one of these media based mediums and have become increasingly popular since the 1980’s. According to a report in Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, "Female gamers spent an average of 44 minutes playing on the weekdays and one hour and four minutes playing on the weekends, and male gamers spent an average of 58 minutes playing on the weekdays and one hour and 37 minutes playing on the weekends" ("Video Game Play Among Adolescents"). What can we understand from this evidence? The fact is that adolescents, male or female, are spending tremendous amounts of time each day sitting in front of
Advances in technology have forever changed the way that children play, communicate, and view the world. Have you ever told your child that it was time to turn the video game off, or to put away the cell phone? Of course you have. Did they become upset, aggressive, or even depressed? These are warning signs indicating a potentially dangerous addiction. Addiction is characterized by the intense need for a substance and the experience of withdrawal symptoms when that substance is taken away (Rauh). Video games fill the player with strong feelings of pleasure and fulfillment. When considering the effects that video games have on your social, academic, and financial life; when do these fun technologies morph into a dangerous addiction?
International studies have shown that between seven and eleven per cent of gamers show some symptoms associated with addiction. Some teens are heavy users of online role-playing games (RPGs) such as World of Warcraft and multiplayer games such as Call of Duty in which they interact with other players in real time. These teens will often neglect schoolwork and other aspects of their daily lives when they become immersed in these games. The American Medical Association has identified “video game overuse” as ‘behaviour’.
The controversial topic of video game addiction is what I have decided to focus my multi-genre research project on. Although a multitude of people do not even know of the existence of such a problem in today's society, I can assure you that this is becoming an increasingly greater problem effecting people around the world of all ages. Through my multi-genre project, I intend on proving the uselessness and detrimental qualities of playing video games, and I am going to explore some healthy alternatives to such a problematic habit.
To answer the question “Are video games beneficial or it’s an addiction?” two areas of video game research are looked at. First, research about benefits of playing video games. Second, research supporting the idea of video game addiction, followed by research challenging the idea and advising against the addiction label. Overall research is going to be based on mostly scholarly sources, and I will try to prove that video games are more beneficial than a form of sickness or an addiction. Following the exploration of research, there are some recommendations taken from other scholarly articles in the case of individual concern and the possibility of negative effects of video game play.
Many people of our generation like to play video games in some point of their life, whether it is Pokémon Go, Candy Crush, Flappy Bird, Mario, Sonic, Call of Duty, Minecraft, or Skyrim. Over the past few decades of their existence, video games have been a major form of entertainment. As time goes by video games improve in graphics, sound, and storyline. It’s only natural that people would become more and more immersed in them, and Many gamers will claim that videogames are not addictive, and even on the same level of entrainment as any other hobbies like sports, reading books, or playing music. However, there are people who become far too immersed in them. They begin to lose touch with their true lives; instead they essentially give all
Many young children and teenagers have heard their mother’s incessant plead to get away from the screen and to go outside or pick up a book for once instead. The urge to play “just one more level” before starting that homework or doing those chores can be quite distracting. But are video games really as awful as Mom exclaims or as brutal as those TV ads depict? It turns out that video games can have a strong impact on participants’ lives in both positive as well as negative ways.
Video game addiction takes place all over the United States, there is an estimated 72 percent of American households who play video games (Scientist Douglas A. Gentile, Ph. D) and an estimated nine percent of the youth in the United States are addicted to video games (Douglas A. Gentile, Ph. D). Researchers are developing ways were video game addicts can become less involved with video games, they are doing this because of all the problems associated with video games (Addiction Expert Bakker). Video game addiction can relate to other addictions in this world people do things to change the way they feel, people play video games to change the way they feel. There is harm associated with being a game addict also. Children who play four to five hours per day have no time for socializing (Addiction Expert Bakker) and that can affect them in their future. In older addicts, continuous gaming can ruin relationships and, also affect their social behavior as well. After being a video game addict for so long you can start showing signs of addiction which include, playing for an increasing amount of time, gaming to escape real-life problems, anxiety, or depression, and, also feeling irritable when trying to cut down on gaming (Addiction Expert Bakker). Being an addict can be a serious situation because, computer games have negative impacts on children’s health and behavior. The computer games that include violence can lead to the mental disorders, poor health, sleep, loss of awareness
Playing video games is a pastime that many children enjoy. It has been found that “National surveys of American youth ages 8 to 18 by the Kaiser Family Foundation … found that in 2005, 49% of children had a game console in their bedroom” (Olson et al. 55). From this information, it can be assumed that after school about half of the children come home and start playing video games. The duration of time that children play these video games varies. In recent times it is estimated that, “…adolescent girls played video games for an average of 5 h a week whereas boys averaged 13 h a week.” (Gentile et al. 5). Gaming, therefore, has become more than just a fun activity, it has become an addiction. Addiction can be defined as “… with an uncontrollable urge, often accompanied by a loss of control, a preoccupation with use, and a desire to continue with the activity even though it creates problems” (Skoric et al. 568). These children feel the need to play video games, and it is taking over their lives. This addiction to video games impacts many aspects of a child’s life. As a result of this addiction, video games cause difficulties at school, detrimental impact to relationships and teenage development.