
The Longest Ride

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The Longest Ride I think that everyone has more than one searches in their life and they may last a long time but that is just human nature. I am reading The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks. Since my last journal Sophia and Luke have gotten a lot closer in the sense that they consider themselves as dating now. Ira is still stuck in the car and has just realized that the snow can keep him hydrated. Ira is still daydreaming that Ruth, his wife who passed away, is in the passenger seat of the car. The three most important searches in this book are Ira’ s search for the past, Luke’s search for his mom’s forgiveness, and Sophia’s search for love. Ira is on a search of the past because in the car he is taken back to his past with Ruth. These flashbacks make Ira imagine that Ruth is in the passenger seat of the car for a sojourn time. The flashbacks are to his times with Ruth and I think that he misses her so much so he constantly thinks about her. “I have been dreaming about my wife for almost a day as I lay trapped in the car. Ruth is gone. She died in our bedroom a long time ago …show more content…

His mom had to pay a ton of doctor bills and pay for the ranch at the same time, and before she knew it, it was like the money all grew legs and ran away ☺ (personification). Now they may possibly lose the ranch. “”She doesn’t want me to get hurt again. But what other choice do I have? I don’t even want to ride anymore… it’s not the same for me. But I don’t know what else to do. As best I can figure, we can last until June, maybe July. And then…”” (Sparks 219). This quote shows how Luke is trying to help his mom save the ranch by bull riding again, but the only problem is that she doesn’t want him to. He is trying to get her to realize that he is just trying to help her. He thinks that if he can get her to realize that then she will forgive him but it’s not

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