A Child Protective Services caseworker has to care about their job, they go to college for a degree in social work, and train to know what to look for in reported families. “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It will not.” The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. They have to really care about what they’re doing to make a difference. When people don’t care about something it’s thrown to the side like it’s nothing. Kids that are in danger and need help cannot be ignored.
A Bachelors or a Masters degree in social work is needed to become a CPS caseworker. Whether it’s a Masters or a Bachelors they need is up to the employer (Echaore). The employer someone works for decides which education level is required to work there. Typically employers only want the best and they choose who’s the best. CPS caseworkers need excellent communication, listening, and interpersonal skills (Echaore). Those skills are needed to get the information they’re looking for. Having those skills benefit them because they catch certain things other may not. All in all, CPS caseworkers need the
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Investigations involve interviewing children as well as the persons suspected of mistreating the children (Echaore). They have to talk to everyone, including teachers and anyone else who may know the family, to detect signs of fear, nervousness, and if their stories match. Interviewing them individually helps get more information then together because their reactions are genuine and not influenced by someone they know. They have to be dedicated and compassionate about child welfare (Echaore). The children they interview could be in danger but without the dedication to the job the signs could be missed. If they care about the job then they’re passionate towards it, so they do their best when they care about what they do. therefore, the job won’t be easy at all, but in the end the child’s safety is worth it
Before taking this class or completing my service learning with Child Protective Services (CPS), I really had not had any experience with CPS. I just made the assumption that the agency was biased and flawed based on the experiences other people had with CPS. I also did not think it would be a place that I would want to work because I did not want to work with children, although now I realize that was a really unfair opinion I had of the agency. I also thought a lot of people abused the service because I had heard a lot of stories of people calling CPS on each other out of spite. After learning about CPS and being able to observe what the agency does, I do realize the agency is not what I thought it was. I also realize
A caseworker’s main job is to advocate for our client population which is children and youth. OCY workers go into the home and investigate to see the extent of the maltreatment. We are to protect children and youth from abuse in all forms. Social Justice is used when parents are being neglectful, and not meeting the basic needs for their child. Caseworkers complete home assessments, and advocate for the child’s needs so the child can thrive. Children and youth are either too young, or afraid to speak up against the maltreatment inflicted upon them. OCY steps in and speaks up for the children and youth. Caseworkers make safety and risk assessments to determine if the child could be maltreated and advocates for change on the youth’s
Learning to Understand I have heard many times that Children’s Protective Service (CPS) is bad and there to take children. I have thought hard about this. Is it true? Do they just take kids?
This helps practitioner’s work together for the welfare of children. It promotes the Every Child Matters outcomes to reinforcing how important it is for all child careers to work together.
My field placement will be at Child protective services in El Paso TX. The department of child Protective Services withholds a wide range of services and responsibilities that include, investigating reports of abuse and neglect of children, provide services to children and families in their homes, providing services to help youth in foster care successfully transition to adulthood and helping children find adoption. There are many subdivisions within the department itself which offers different amenities during an open case with CPS, although these services solely justify the department, there is a unit known as Family Based Services or also FBSS which focuses on resources that will strengthen the family’s privation in order to ensure child safety and wellbeing. The Department predominantly benefits from task groups rather than treatment groups, because the department is on deadlines with each individual case, a treatment group would not benefit for the departments ultimate value which is Family Reunification. If the department is involved with a family for too long this may cause emotional distress on the children as well as the family. Every year in the United States, more than one out of every hundred children are victims of substantiated child abuse and neglect. For instance, in 2006, 3.6 million cases of child maltreatment were investigated, which is a rate of 47.8 per 1,000 children. In that year, nearly 1 million maltreatment claims were substantiated
These social workers are mandated to investigate these cases right away, ignorant to the circumstances they come into contact with. The bravery and passion for assuring the safety of foster children is admirable, but it pins a lot of stress onto the employees. Although the state and national recommendation of cases is a maximum of 13 cases per worker, Surveys of social workers showed that 16% of social workers have more than 40 cases on go. Few have reported caseloads between 70-80 (Smith). With the amount of overloaded cases, the ability to provide each case with the same amount of attention and support will become impractical.
I will be talking about my current job as a Child Protective Investigator (CPI) also known as Child Protective Services (or CPS). This is the governmental agency that is tasked with investigating child abuse or neglect. The primary concern of a CPI is the safety of the child; they do this by assessing the risk involved. By weighing that risk the CPI has to make the decision rather to remove the children or child from the home or place services within the home that will allow
CPS is doing everything wrong. There are so many problems with the foster care systems. One of the huge conflicts has to do with how CPS is too focused on rules and protocols. Foster parents and discipline their kids other than putting them in time out. Which is causing kids to go to jail, recent data indicates that children in foster care are most likely to have criminal behavior(Smith, Children Laws) Caseworkers have way too many kids on their case therefore they can’t get the proper amount of attention.
Many of the children who are placed into the care of Child Protective Services are situated into hellish foster homes with people who only care about the money they receive from the government for each child that is placed under their roof; and not for the welfare of the children. Numerous amounts of children that are caught up in the system, especially
Child Protective Services (CPS) is a complex system of assessments, investigations, and conclusions. CPS is the central agency in each communities child abuse and neglect service system. It is responsible for ensuring that preventative, investigative, and treatment services are available to children and families endangered by child abuse and neglect. As a result, CPS workers must perform a variety of functions when responding to situations of child maltreatment and play a variety of roles throughout their involvement with child protective clients. Reporting a suspective case of child maltreatment to the local CPS agency (or a family member’s own request for help with the problem) initiates
The organization under investigation is Child Protective Services, also referred to as CPS, which is an agency within the Department of Family and Protective Services. CPS is a governmental organization that has existed for years. The agency is designed to protect children from abuse and neglect. There are numerous cases that are called in on a daily basis in the state of Texas, and it is the duty of state employees to address all allegations in a timely manner. The positions held as a caseworker within the agency are either Investigator, Special Investigator, Family Based Safety Services Specialist, or Conservatorship Specialist. Due to the required work and deadlines involved with being a caseworker at CPS, the job can become very
CPS, as we as we all may know, is a hero for all children in-need. CPS workers are protective and helpful. In fact, when I was a young child, I was hurt and abused by my mother, CPS saved me from my mother and gave my grandmother guardianship over me. Before the age of thirteen, also the time before guardian ship was handed over, I was locked in a dark cold closet, tied to a chair with the greyest of tape while crying as the fear was suck into me harshly and was left to rot inside me for years. When CPS took hold of me, in their big angle-like arms, it felt like a light was coming through a deep dark cave where I was hidden.
Child welfare systems are designed to ensure the safety and well-being of children and families. The mission of this system is a noble one and can be very rewarding and beneficial for all involved. Ironically, that same system that is designed to help families in times of crisis can be, harsh and challenging to families and social workers.
Social workers are the critical bridge between families and the resources that they need. The job of those specializing in child and family services may include protecting children and families from domestic abuse, discrimination, and illness. They also help with connecting families with resources like food stamps, homes, and psychological treatments.
Also when becoming a social worker, the job will require that everyone who is involved in the situation is receiving help. According to the Child Care Careers book this may include giving individual help to every person in the situation. Such as, if the mother is a drug addict, she may require some rehab. Or if the father is very ill, he will need medical attention. Or if the parent(s) and a little insane or have brain trouble, they might need to go to an insane asylum.