
The Love Of My Life Analysis

Decent Essays

In the story “The Love of My Life,” author T. Coraghessan Boyle, writes about China and Jeremy, two outstanding students in love with each other. China and Jeremy spend every moment together that they can. When they got to college they discover that they China is pregnant. The two are terrified by the pregnancy and try their best to hide that China is pregnant from their peers and parents. When the baby is born both teens do not want it and Jermy throws it in a dumpster. Today’s kids are given everything they could want. When a problem rises they are not sure how to deal with it because they have been given everything all their life. Society is to blame because society tells kids how their life is suppose to be and when it is not what society says it is okay to act up. China and Jeremy had the perfect relationship according to society. “‘Teens have sex,’ he said ‘and they pay for it in body parts’” (Boyle 557). Jeremy is telling China, from what he has learned from society, that teens having sex is okay and that everyone does it, them and their peers. The couple just thought that if everyone else does it then they have to do it too in order to have a meaningful relationship according …show more content…

asks how kids can commit some of the crimes that they commit. “‘WE don’t deserve this. All I want is for it to go away’” (Pitts Jr. 2). In this line Amy Grossberg wrote to her boyfriend, Brian Peterson, refers to the child she is pregnant with as “it”. This is just one example at how Brian and Amy treat the baby as an inconvenience without a life. Society has taught them that having a child is an inconvenience instead of a privilege. There are many people in the United States that wish that they could have a kid but are unable to due to medical circumstances. Also Amy is correct when she says “WE don’t deserve this” (Pitts Jr. 2). Amy and Brian do not deserve the

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