
What Is The Moral Of Atlas Shrugged Essay

Decent Essays

In the book “Atlas Shrugged” the character Francisco d’Anconia is at a dinner party when someone tells him that money is the root of all evil. So as the philosopher as he is he questions this. In doing so he mentions that money is only possible by the means of production. Production results in labor, therefore, a man’s mind is the root of all those goods produced and all the wealth that exist on earth. So is money evil or the person that wheels it? He ends with this conclusion- to ‘make money’ holds the essence of human morality.
What does he mean to ‘make money’? -“Wealth is created” That mankind has always thought about money being given to them, stolen and taken. But the fact is that money is Earn. No one becomes rich from one day to …show more content…

Our human morality accepts that money isn’t always everything, but the idea that you can live without it is foolish. Money creates structure, without the right structure society would fail. Take, for example, the Articles of Confederation, most of the chaos caused is a consequence of the different currencies running in the same economy. So if we cannot live a normal life without money, where does that leave us? Wanting more, wanting a stable lifestyle and security that we will have a shelter, food, and clothes the next day. Or all the money we can put in our bank accounts. Why is the majority caught in this? Money has value, so the more money we have the greater someone is worth; therefore we are always trying to get more because without value or worth be can't succeed. Success makes a person someone with a purpose in society, and if we have no purpose what is life worth to us, them..... YOU? Our attitudes towards money aren't always the same, it depends on one's knowledge, and how life treats them and someone's experience. Humanity has accepted the idea that if want to make something out of yourself, you have to put your best foot forward and fight for it furthermore when you get it hold on to it. But as true as this is, if someone with less gives one with more, then people get offended. Why, is someone of their status giving me something I have a lot of? What is someone like them giving me money, shouldn't they be begging me for money? Don't they know I can own them? So it's right for some with a higher financial status is allowed to give money away but a homeless person isn't? When someone has success these days they forget that money isn't everything, this a thing that happens too often. The thing about making money is that not everyone keeps the same morals they started

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