
The Loveong Of J Alfred Prufrock Analysis Essay

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In the poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by T.S. Eliot, it shows many elements or characteristics of the Modern/Post Modern Period. The poem actually shows how the belief that man is nothing except what he makes of himself. As in that every action a person takes in its life. It was their decision regarding any situation. Their responsibility in what occurs from the decision or how it could affect their lives or anyone else’s lives. Everyone makes countless of choices during their life that probably is affected by their past or their morals and beliefs in life. Regardless it is the person’s choice and only they’re to choose; their decision may be influenced by others or by their emotions. Even when someone is facing to take a choice …show more content…

That they end up missing out mostly on what life is all about and missing the chance to have someone by their side to love. To enjoy the little things in life that actually mean something in life and is the basic meaning of living life. The authors states in the poem that; “and indeed there will be time to wonder, “Do I dare?” and “Do I dare?” Time to turn back and descend the stair,” as in saying that there would be plenty of time to do everything that is important to someone but everyone even Prufrock second guesses himself. Just like in love life your life turns out the way it ends just by taking the decisions you make and Prufrock questions himself to ask the big question to his lover, if he dares himself to ask or to turn around and walk away from his lover. Descending the stairs as in walking away from it just like many people question themselves over many things in life and wonder if they should or they should walk away from an amazing life changing opportunity or grand chances in a profession they are trying to succeed in. It all has an affect on what they make their lives be. The belief that man is nothing except what he makes of himself is true and the poem choices cause this affects a person’s love life, professional life, well their entire life in how it turns out to be in the

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