
The Main Diagnostic Components Of Anorexia Nervosa

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2) What are the main diagnostic components of anorexia nervosa? What are the two types in the coding notes? How is severity evaluated?

In order to be diagnosed AN, there are several components to be considered in a person. A person suffering from AN refuses to maintain a body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for their age and height. In addition, they also have an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat even though they may be underweight. Another factor is a distorted perception of how one experiences, their body’s weight, and shape. There is also an undue influence of their body weight/shape upon their own self-evaluation, which may potentially deny the seriousness of the current low body weight. Although males can suffer from AN, the last indication of an AN is based on an absence of at least three consecutive menstrual cycles among females.
However, there are two types of AN which are coded and evaluated differently among the mental health community. These two different types are identified as a restricted type and a binge eating/purging type of anorexia nervosa. As each are coded different among the notes, the restricted type of AN is considered when self-starvation is not associated with concurrent purging such as self-inducing vomiting or the use of laxatives. On the other hand, the binge eating/purging type of AN is when a person regularly engages in purging activities to help control their weight gain.
As a person struggles with AN, it is

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