
The Major Causes Of The American Revolution

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America was able to pry away from its mother country and become its own independent nation through a process known as the American Revolution. The colonies did this for a number of reasons, but the most notable cause for this rebellion were the various restrictions England had placed on them over matters of trade and mercantilism. Foreign relations had always been important to the colonies, but they were restricted to trading with only the mother country, only having contact with the mother country, and only receiving goods from the mother country. Following the revolution was a drastic change in foreign policy, foreign relations, immigration, and the international exchange of ideas and goods in the new nation that shaped it into what it is today. While there was foreign interaction with some other nations before the revolution these interactions were completely stopped with the French and Indian war. England saw the colonies as weak and responsible for the war, and forbid them from crossing over native land, as well as any trade with any other European nations. While the colonies were able to win independence, it still wasn't enough to completely demonstrate the success of their own self government. After the revolutionary war, American foreign relations changed from wartime diplomacy and struggle to efforts to demonstrate to European skeptics that democracy was a viable form of government. After its victory, America’s foreign policy began focusing on not only keeping what

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