
The Major Causes Of The French Revolution

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The French Revolution paved the way for liberty and equality for the country of France. In order for this to happen, France had to eliminate some major obstacles including King Louis XVI. The problems in France ultimately resulted in a rebellion. Though the American Revolution provided a model of rebellion for revolution in France, the major concepts of the Enlightenment joined with the struggle of the bourgeoisie against the nobility to fuel the revolution; the new ideas included equality, leadership, and economic struggle. The short and long term factors of the revolution along with many other different problems in France ultimately led to the French people rising up to make a change.
The lack of equality was a critical issue and a …show more content…

“On July 14, 1789, parisian crowds in search of weapons attacked and captured the royal armory known as the bastille”(). The inequality between the three estates finally became too much and there was a major problem in France that formed.
Another of the biggest problems during the french revolution was economic problems. These problems had to do with the american revolution along with the french revolution. The money in france at this time was in the first and second estates. The third estate had almost no money. The taxes in france were raised every time france was in need of money and this caused havoc with all the people in france. “Unlike the british, who had a system of public-supported poor relief, the French responded to poverty with ad hoc policies when conditions became acute.”(). Also money in france was going to america to support the American revolution and therefore the people in france were paying tax money that was not even benefiting them. “At a time when france was experiencing economic crisis, the government was drastically short of money. Yet french governmental extravagance continued to grow due to costly wars”.() Finally another major problem around economics in france at this time was food. During this time food was very valuable because not many people had money, the problem was that there was a drought meaning crops could not grow leaving

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