
The Making Of Asian America Chapter 1 Summary

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The Making of Asian America: Book Review In The Making of Asian America by Erika Lee the readers are introduced to a new perspective of Asian Americans. Prior to reading this novel, the audience may not have known how important the Asian American culture is to the foundation of the United States. Lee She incorporates ideas that in a high school history class has been ignored, such as the Chinese Massacre that occurred in Rock Springs, Wyoming In class we were briefly introduced to different Asian cultures via film, as we saw in the film that colonial masters looked to Asian countries to gain an imperial benefit. Like the introductory film, this chapter reflects with what has been hidden from Americans until now. The movie does not, however, …show more content…

In Chapter 5, Lee outlines Lothrap Stoddard’s three dangers that come from Asia on page 130 which read: the peril of arms which is expanding the military, the peril of markets, and the peril of immigration. Previously in America, Japanese d were not considered inferior to whites, but the Asians are smart enough to adapt to white ideas and methods. This Yellow Peril phenomenon became a problem that extended not only from Hawaii, Australia, or Canadian problem but a world problem that caused a widespread of anti-Japanese government. The acts of the Japanese movement were sickening because they showed us how easily racism can be justified. To make things worse after World War II, the Japanese, next to the Filipinos make people uneasy due to the social stratifications that resulted from the war. This makes me pose the question when do we move on from these racial implications and how do we overcome them? We see in places like Rock Springs, Wyoming, where I used to live, failed to mention the Chinese massacre. Let’s not forget that these are the teachers who are providing young people with a more bias education. I would not say that failing to leave out part of our history is beneficial but shows you how cruel people are and how easy it is to be so

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