
The Making Of Ferguson Essay

Decent Essays

In my opinion, the most striking aspects of the readings came from Richard Rothstein in “The Making of Ferguson, Poverty & Race.” The article sparked a discussion about certain policies designed to segregate Ferguson from the St. Louis’s metropolitan area. As of today, many people believe that over-policing in black neighborhoods created the tensions and underlying problems in Ferguson. This may be true but it is only scratching the surface. The article points out that the underlying problems that led to current affairs of Ferguson included: (1) racially explicit zoning, (2) segregated public housing projects, (3) exclusion of African Americans from white neighborhoods through restrictive covenants, (4) government subsidies only in white neighborhoods, and (5) denial of adequate municipal services in ghettos. These series of policies affecting …show more content…

The film discusses how the federal government became heavily involved in the housing market after the Great Depression. This involvement allowed for racial biases to show its face in the distribution of home loans to white neighborhoods over black neighborhoods. These black neighborhoods suffered tremendously because they were cut off from opportunities offered in white communities. In the 1960’s, the Fair Housing Act was passed to outlaw discrimination on the basis of race in housing transactions. This Act helped to ensure that the federal government or any individual did not perpetuate this dual community in the housing market. In present-day America, the FHA has become much broader to protect other groups against discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, familial status, and religion. These are the striking aspects that I found to be most compelling from this

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