
The Map of Art History Uses Order and Classification by Listing of Fields, Library System, and Plotting in Space and Time

Decent Essays

The Map of Art History essay is about how art history uses disciplines in societies to represents itself through order and classification. From many observations and theories it considers three subject: first is the listing of fields in art history, second is the library system is for categorizing art books, and third is the plotting of space and time in art history from survey texts. Also in the discussion the writer talks about the geography of art history such as where does the idea appear from? Other questions he asked was how and why do disciplinary classifications aspire are global remain local? What are the consequences of our continued use of mappings that have their beginnings and backgrounds in geopolitical spaces that no longer …show more content…

In the subject of field for art history Robert pointed out the art is found in all categories except for the unknown era of the Renaissance all the way to the 19th and 20th century in Europe also the African Diaspora. In this part of where he is examining the fields Robert shows the history of how art progress through the globe and similar styles of art like the European art are shown in the north and south of America. He also calls forth the Art Criticism and Theory which is to be the only category to be critical and theoretical. Criticism in art is what demonstrates the discipline in art history for rejection or approval of the work. According to Robert’s argument he also claims that the library system is for categorizing art books, his statement was that “every book creates order, individually and collectively. The order of a single book is a function of its written discourse, but the order of a group of books is greater than the sum of their texts. ” (The Map of Art History, 30). By his statement he meant that books are disciplinary and hold so much order and control over society because of the knowledge it provides in history. Mevil Dewey was a leader of the classification movement and the creator of the system that holds his name, stretching the educational mission of new public libraries, because of his mission,

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