
The Mark On The Wall Feminist Analysis

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The incompetence of women has existed ever since distinct differences between sexes was widely noticed. Biological, physical, and cultural factors have played a major part into the belief of behaviors taken on by males and females. This ideal of “this is what a man is and this is what a woman is” has translated into a much bigger problem. For instance, the lack of acknowledgement as well as acceptance of opinions and attributes of women. Men are seen as extremely important, opinionated and trustworthy individuals compared to women who are often seen just as child barriers and housewives. Looking across the board there are multiple instances where women have been put on the backburner due to this widely accepted misrepresentation. Authors from …show more content…

In “The Yellow Wallpaper” John, the narrator’s husband is a well-respected physician. Once the narrator enter a depressive state she is under his care. He puts her into a room with yellow wallpaper which she hates and tells him so. He insist that she must stay in this room regardless of her paranoia. He exerts ultimate control over all the decisions affecting his wife's freedom. In the following excerpt the narrator describes her orders from John, ” So I take phosphates or phosphites which ever it is, and tonics, and journeys, and air, and exercise, and am absolutely forbidden to "work" until I am well again (648). John believes he knows what’s best for and does not listen to her feelings all while she is unable to express herself willingly. According to Rena Korb, the author of the academic article, “An overview of The Yellow Wallpaper“ claims that the control that the narrator’s husband has over her limits her freedom in a unhealthy way. “In fact, she does something John doesn't approve of—she writes in a journal, thereby creating her own text. Unfortunately, because the text is her only place of true self-expression, it becomes as oppressive as the room, as oppressive as her husband.” Korb expresses the idea that the narrator’s only way to express herself is through secretively writing in a journal has …show more content…

The narrators in both short stories are often described as mad or crazy in the lack of cohesion in storytelling. "The difference between mad people and sane people," Brave Orchid explains, "is that sane people have variety when they talk-story. Mad people have only one story that they talk over and over" (184). If the aspect of mental illness did not exist within these stories then the perspective of women would have been taken more seriously by the other characters. However, due to how these stories were written the female contributions are in vain and perceived as absurd. In “The Yellow Wallpaper” the narrator hides her journal because of her husband’s disapproval. “I think sometimes if I were only well enough to write a little it would relieve the press of ideas and rest me,” she muses, which she then follows with a reiteration of what John wants her to think—“But I find I get pretty tired when I try” (649). Her inability to express herself takes a toll on her mentally and eventually leads her to insanity by the end of the story. The narrator feels trap and her way of expressing this emotion is by projecting a delusion where she can be set free. In “The Mark on the Wall” the narrator has a hard time in determining reality from fantasies. However, the narrator has lots of thoughts and opinions on many topics. “I want to sink

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