
The Marketing Of Budweiser Beer

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The Marketing of Budweiser Beer Although I am no longer a beer drinker, I have chosen to report on the marketing of Budweiser beer, brewed and distributed by the Anheuser-Busch Corporation, with home offices in St. Louis, Missouri. It is my interest in their marketing strategy, especially television ads, that led me to report on this particular product. I will start by looking at the company 's major screening criteria for it 's name of product and marketing possibilities. Founded in 1860, in St. Louis, Adolphus Busch purchased controlling interest in a local brewery. His goal was to create a "national beer"�, one that would be acceptable to all Americans. No one is certain where the name Budweiser came from, but it was introduced to the …show more content…

The only threat to Anheuser-Busch is that of a social and cultural nature, but I feel it take years for them to feel the effects of this threat and by that time Anheuser-Busch will be so diversified it won 't matter.

In the area of marketing information, Anheuser-Busch should only have to be aware of the speed at which consumers ' attention span and tastes ' change. Their ability to read and deliver promotional "gimmicks"� to the consumer almost eliminates the need for statistical data usually derived from models. Because of Anheuser-Busch 's global position, research data for new overseas and foreign markets is the most critical aspect.

Budweiser falls into the consumer convenience product class and has been at the maturity phase for over a hundred years. Anheuser-Busch 's ability to continually improve Budweiser, introduce and market product variations, and insure quality and consistency, may allow this product to remain at a mature state in the product life cycle for many years to come. One theme Budweiser uses, which may be classified either as promotional or as a warranty is that of what Anheuser-Busch calls "Born On Dating"�. Production dates are stamped on bottles to show freshness. New or improved Budweiser is sometimes distributed to limited markets for consumer response before distributed nationally. In the area of branding, most of Anheuser-Busch 's competition comes

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