
The Mask Of Masculinity In Rudyard Kipling's 'If'

Decent Essays

Every father hopes his son grows up to be a great, resilient man with the ability to have meaningful conversations with those he loves. As the definition of masculinity varies within a population, a man may have a difficult time understanding what it means to be masculine. Masculinity is defined as possessing characteristics ranging from a lack of crying and stigmatized as being the opposite of womanly characteristics. To determine a man's masculinity, a man must believe in these characteristics and show his true capabilities. Rudyard Kipling, author of the poem “If”, has his own understanding on what it is to be a man. Connor Beaton, speaker of Mask of Masculinity, also has his own perspective on what it means to be a man. Kipling and Beaton …show more content…

He believes that the idea of a young man or men living in a society thinking they have to be a lone wolf has a negative impact on them; his calls this the Mask of Masculinity. Beaton mentions a few characteristics that is associated with the mask of masculinity, “You need to be tough and strong, you need to avoid anything that resembles a women” (Beaton 8:47-8:54). A man must be mentally adept and tough to avoid inviting weakness. They must suppress their own emotions in order to face the challenges that come along in everyday life. Beaton ends his speech with a few final thoughts, “Sometimes... all the time dealing with it like a man means having the courage to see what's actually there instead of running away from it” (Beaton 15:58-16:07). Dealing with it like a man means sitting down with the loved ones and have a meaningful conversation about life. This type open conversation forms a bond with loved ones and allows you to acknowledge that life is worth living rather than trying to escape it. A real man takes in what he has in life and moves on. Connor Beaton has a strong vision towards masculinity and many people follow his definition of what it means to be a true

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