The Mask of Symbols
I chose to make a mask to represent that there was a dark side to every character,not only Jack.This topic stood out to me because as the novel progressed,I saw that no matter who they were,every character showed their dark side at some point,even Ralph in chapter twelve when he was fighting for his life.I associate this mask to every single person.We all have a dark side,some just take more than others to unleash it.Some alternative ideas I considered were creating a personal mask that represents darkness into the light.I didn’t choose it because the mask of symbols had a deeper image and stronger theme. Now as for the mask itself,it doesn’t just represent one character,but all.A feature I really
The mask shows the beginning and the end of the boys on the island. At the beginning they were all together, they feared for the beast together, and worked together. The island is first described with large palm trees, and the boys are smiling and playing. In the end half, the island is burned down, boys are dead, and the boys have become savages. One side of the mask shows the boys together with a shelter, and the possible beasts. The other side shows the boys split with the island crying at all the damage, and there is no longer a beast since they are the beast. The land has been destroyed with the boys who died in the sea, and the once standing shelter is now broken. They are no longer civilized and may have now shown their true
In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Goulding, body paint is used by the boys to not just appear as something else, but to completely transform into something else. “He began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling. He capered towards Bill and the mask was a thing of its own, behind which Jack his, liberated from shame and self-consciousness.” With Jacks face paint on, he leaves civilization and becomes savage. The mask hides his insecurities and gives him self-confidence and power. Without the mask, Jack would most likely not participate in these behaviors since he tends to be blushing underneath it, but since nobody sees how he reacts when the mask is on, he continues to act like this. The three colours that he used
My contrasting mask was Creon. This masks opposes Antigone´s, and is full of darker colors, scary features, and words with a negative connotation. The dark colors are for his control, and love for power. Creon´s picture in my mind is a very scary person, therefore skulls and fire were included on this mask. Words such as control and power were added as well. Creon had all the wrong ideas about ruling a kingdom, for he was controlling and
In the “Lord of the Flies,” William Golding uses ordinary items to symbolize bigger universal ideas. These symbols can be seen throughout the text and will evolve as the story progresses. In the beginning of the Lord of the Flies, one of the most frequent topic the boys discuss is hunting and their desire to have meat. However, not a single boy is able to hunt successfully as they are all afraid of killing another living thing. The boys only have a successful hunt when they use the mask. The mask in the Lord of the Flies is one of the many symbols used to communicate Golding’s universal ideas. When the mask is used in the Lord of the Flies the mask serves the purpose to hide the boys from the pigs when they hunt. However, when the text is examined in an allegorical means, the mask can be defined as hiding from oneself, strength, and savagery. The allegorical definition of the mask, proves how the mask does not only hide the boys from the pigs, but also hides the boy’s inner connections with their former selves. The mask in the Lord of the Flies initiates as hiding from oneself, evolves to strength, and ends a savagery.
In the beginning of the novel, Jack’s mask represents hiding from himself and to hide from the responsibility of the real world. Jack is standing over the water when he begins to create the mask out of different colors of charcoal. Once he creates his mask, he sees himself in the reflection of the water, “he began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling. He capered toward Bill, and the mask was a thing on its own, behind which Jack hid liberated from shame and self-consciousness” (Golding 64). He becomes a different person and hides from his true self. A sense of anonymity arises to help relieve
Similar to William Golding’s idea of mankind, William James, who was an American philosopher, had the idea that, “We are all ready to be savage in some cause. The difference between a good man and a bad one is the choice of the cause.” This idea transfers nicely to William Goldings’ book, Lord of the Flies, which follows British boys who have been stranded on a deserted island, and now must survive, using their surroundings, as well as their wit. However, it isn’t all smooth sailing for the boys, and eventually almost all of them become savage-like, and disconnected from the outside world. The conch, and the mask are both important symbols in the book, that demonstrate how the boys turn from innocent school-boys to unforgiving beasts, capable of evil.
Masks are a covering for parts of the face that are worn for a disguise, pleasure, or to scare people. Greek theatre utilizes masks innumerable times for evident characters in their plays. The actors/actresses who position their masks on, become divergent people. The denotation the boys’ have behind the mask is unique from when they have the mask off. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the mask is used as a disguise from their normal society and civilization. Jack, Ralph and Roger prove that this statement is true throughout the novel. Golding once said that civilization is “the mask which enables the individual to hide his primitive nature.” This illustrates how one will disguise himself as someone or something that triggers their primal nature. William Golding’s purpose in writing this novel is to present to the readers when an individual loses connections with society they can regenerate one's true self to become someone they are not. The masks are utilized by these three characters to shield their nefarious doings. Jack, Ralph and Roger all have measures that delineate the diabolic and shadow within all humanity.
The novel Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding is a very iconic book in my opinion. This novel consists mostly of symbolism. Lord of the Flies talked about the relationship of teenage boys who survived a plane crash together. The boys are all on their own and struggling. They encounter many incidences that comply symbolism. A couple of the acts of symbolism are the beast the boys kept imagining, Piggy’s glasses, and the conch. The boys are all afraid of the beast, Piggy’s glasses demonstrate the fact that he saw everything more clear then the boys and how he started the fire. Lastly, the last of the most important symbolisms in the novel is the conch, showing the civilization and order.
Symbols in literature are like the Earth, there are multiple layers until you get to the core meaning. In the novel, The Lord of the Flies, William Golding, utilizes symbols in order to get his deeper meaning across. In a novel about boys isolated on an island during the time period of World War II, Golding shows the outcomes of what isolation can have on a group of people. While trying to get these messages across, the author uses symbols as an aid These symbols range from strength, hope, and fear. One of the most important symbols in the book is Jack’s mask. The mask starts out as a way to help Jack hunt and grows from there. Therefore, Jack’s mask begins as protection from Jack’s own identity, evolves to his strength, and
“Beside the pool his sinewy body held up a mask that drew their eyes and appalled them. He began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling.” Often in literature symbols are used to portray a concept or idea. Lord of the Flies is a prominent user of symbolism, whether it’s characters or objects, many things in the story represents something that it does not physically appear to represent. While using all of this symbolism, the author of Lord of the Flies, William Golding, expertly uses show don’t tell. One very unique and interesting use of symbolism he uses is in the way the characters are dressed and the way they look as symbols. The outward appearance of the boys on the island is used as a symbol to show the mental state
Their masks hide the evil dwelling within their innocent souls, waiting to be set free. It emits human personalities and behaviors, allowing it to be impenetrable by visual perception. With these masks as a cover, Jack and his tribe members interact nicely; chaos rips through their society when they allowed their masks to fall off throughout many sequences of events.
People hide their true identities behind masks they create and perfect. Some of them are stronger than others and therefore they create stronger masks. Even though Ralph gets elected as a leader, Jack seems to be stronger. Though, not a stronger personality, but rather by intimidating the smaller kids and gaining power from it. He then builds his very own mask: “Jack planned his new face. He made one cheek and one eye-socket white, then he rubbed red over the other half of his face and slashed a black bar of charcoal across from right ear to left jaw […] He looked in astonishment, no longer at himself but at an awesome stranger” (63). By putting the different colors on his face, Jack creates a new self. At
We have just finished the book Lord Of The Flies by William Golding to which everyone loved in definitely. Something noticed throughout the whole book is the ongoing use of symbolism in the book. Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent an idea or qualities. There are many different symbols in the book whether it be very noticeable to which i'm trying to say is something that the books points out itself, but their is also some hidden ones which makes it feel like a “Where’s Waldo,” type of book. We had socratic seminars in our classroom.
Lord of the Flies is an enthralling novel written by William Golding which incorporates a multitude of subjects, including, but not limited to: fear, conflict, civilization, and savagery. I chose to create a mask which resembles Jack. An alternative idea that I considered was to make one side of the mask a bad character representing the id such as Jack and the other half another character a good character representing the superego like Piggy. I did not choose this idea because I know a lot of other people had this idea or very similar so I just decided to focus on one character. Jack as a character is unique to me compared to other characters because he is the antagonist of the novel. The arrogance he has and the hostility he shows to others
Everyone uses masks to free them to do, say or act in a manner that they normally wouldn’t. People use them all the time, whether it is just changing to treat someone a certain way or just needing to be a different way to make a situation better, but can also be used in harmful ways that can be used to compel violence. Masks manipulate us to hide from our true selves, they will make the one who wears one inferior to all others. In the story, The Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the world is in the middle of the biggest war ever, the power of masks and anonymity throughout this time period establish the terror. They put on these masks to give them the freedom to commit terrorizing acts and have no shame, alike with how William Golding allowed his characters have their power over the others. Golding had his characters apply paint to their faces which then altered the boy's mindset to act in a detrimental way. The mindset these boys obtain leads to many cruel parts in the story, including the killing of other boys on the island. This demonstrates the effect and power of being anonymous that is provided to these blood-thirsty boys. Before Jack and the boys used their masks to release their inner-savage, they were civilized, but having anonymity enables them to kill, not only pigs but other boys.