
The Matrix

Decent Essays

Sequence analysis, film form and style as depicted in the film, 'The Matrix'
The matrix has different meanings, but according the movie I have watched I define the matrix as a dream state, it is like when you are dreaming where the person is not in the real world, yet is inside a computer programing. There are a number of dramatic beats, and the photography found in the movie; a perfect visual depiction of exactly what’s going on in the scene and that is when we see how the settings of the movies like the costumes, lighting, the sound and mise-en-scenes. there are lots opinions about the matrix and questions that comes to mind after the movie. It is quite clear to me that that computers or rather technology is becoming more popular in the century …show more content…

Looking at the used of mise-en-scene would be when Neo, the main character, first enters the matrix, the scene takes place in a completely white room which is known as the construct, where depth perception is not relevant, it simply never ends of which it intended to represent a different world other than reality and his green shirt with a black coat. Character and actor expressions and body language also come into play as you can see the confusion and disbelief in his facial expressions and the questioning looks on his face. The arrangements of elements in a frame are also used in the scene. Lastly we see two chairs, a table, a remote control, and an old television set in the white room, that is also an element of …show more content…

Whenever the matrix wear their sunglasses there is that one sound that all of them make when they are wearing the sunglasses that emphasizes the power and authority of the main characters. The ringing of the phone signals danger many times throughout the film, however, because the phone is a way to escape, it sometimes ends up saving whoever is in danger Another sound is when Agent Smith is fighting with Neo, when he stretch his neck there is a sound that comes out and that emphasize that Agent Smith is being controlled by the computer. The sound effect of Morpheus fighting with Neo emphasise that they are also being controlled though the computer

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