The Holocaust The word holocaust from Greek origin has a horripilate meaning, but this word took a new meaning during the period from January 1933 to May 1945. During this time the worst murder persecution that assassinated 6 million Jews from Europe occurred, by the Nazis. The Nazis, took power in Germany in January 1933, considered that Germans were superior than other races specially Jews. Germans saw Jews as a threat to their purity; so, the “Final Solution” plan created by the anti-Semitic Nazi leader Adolf Hitler was the persecution and murder of millions of people in the concentration camps in Poland. In January 20, 1933, after won a higher percentage of votes in the elections of that year, Adolf Hitler, the head of the Nazi Party …show more content…
Germany got stronger and by the end of 1934,Hitler was absolutely the controller of Germany. Hitler continued with his idea against the Jews, which got stronger since the supported propaganda made a racial anti-Semitism. Nazis excused their racial beliefs with the evolutionary theories of Charles Darwin; since “Aryans” as the “superior race” were predestined to rule, while inferior races such Jews were destined to extinction. In 1935, Hitler started to restrict Jews, excluding them from the German society by removing their professions, burning books, private them from schools, taking away their properties, carrying ID cards marked with a “J” to identify them, and didn’t let them enter to public places or events. Jews terrified tried to leave German but it took months or years before leaving, so a lot of Jews opted to send their children …show more content…
Jews started to deport to Poland and forced to leave their homes to live in ghettos in deplorable conditions, what caused many diseases and starvation. In June 1941, began the “Final Solution” when Germany attacked the Soviet Union. The Einsatzgruppen, that were Mobile killing units divided into four groups, murdered by the end of 1942 more than 1.3 million Jews, usually by shooting them with automatic weapons. On January 20, 1942, the Wannsee Conference was a German government met that organized the extermination of Jews. This met marked the initiation of the murder of six million Jews. By 1942, Nazis had six killing centers, Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Maidanek and Auschwitz. The greatest percent of deported Jews were in Auschwitz where about two million people were assassinated there. These camps were used as slave labor camps, transit camps, death camps, or some camps combined these functions. The result was horrible; there could only be find diseases, starving, fear, mistreatment, all the worst feelings that a person could feel during his or her life were in there. Some young Jews were not killed immediately; Germans forced them to work wherever they needed workers. They worked to dawn until dark as slaves, without an adequate nutrition, some Jews worked until death. Another Jews were forced to walk hundreds of miles until death or were
Ian Kershaw empathetically states that “The Holocaust was the systematic, extermination of six million Jews by the Nazi government and their allies during World War II.” He further add that it wasn’t until after Adolph Hitler “became Chancellor of the German government, he began targeting the Jews as racially inferior to the German people (Kershaw, 1985).
The Holocaust could be best described as the widespread genocide of over eleven million Jews and other undesirables throughout Europe from 1933 to 1945. It all began when Adolf Hitler, Germany's newest leader, enforced the Nuremburg Race Laws. These laws discriminated against Jews and other undesirables and segregated them from the rest of the population. As things grew worse, Jews were forced to wear the Star of David on their clothing. The laws even stripped them of their citizenship.
Polish and western European Jews were deported to these ghettos. During the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, mobile killing squads (Einsatzgruppen) began killing entire Jewish communities. The methods used, mainly shooting or gas vans, were soon regarded as inefficient and as a psychological burden on the killers. After the Wannsee Conference in January 1942, the Nazis began the systematic deportation of Jews from all over Europe to six extermination camps established in former Polish territory -- Chelmno , Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Majdanek. Extermination camps were killing centers designed to carry out genocide.
The holocaust was established by hitler to execute even more jews. About 6 million jews lost their lives during the holocaust. German authorities targeted groups that had a different racial inferiority. During world war II the germans went by the “final solution” a policy to murder all jews. The holocaust was a big shock for the jews. This dramatic experience still haunt the streets of germany.
The Holocaust was the attempt by the Nazi regime to systematically exterminate the European Jewish race during World War II. The Holocaust was a reference to the murder of around six million Jews and other minority groups such as homosexuals, gypsies and the disabled (Wiesel, 2008).
The Holocaust has impacted the world in various of ways. A plethora of Jews were displaced in Germany and severely harmed. The effects of the Holocaust can still be viewed in today's society. The Nazis believed that exterminating the Jews was justified because the Jews were not only a low and bad race, but were affecting the lives of the Germans negatively. Hitler and the Nazis blamed them for all the social and economic problems in Germany. Adolf Hitler then planned to get rid of the all Jews living in Germany, or all around Europe. After years of Nazi soldiers ruling in Germany, Jews were consistently persecuted severely. Hitler’s final solution became known as the Holocaust, under the cover of the world war, with mass killing centers constructed
of the Nazi's power began when the hateful man, Adolf Hitler, came to be dictator of Germany in 1933. He was named chancellor by President Paul von Hirdenburg. Hitler took the chancellor's oath on January 30,and that night Nazis celebrated the victory with spirited torchlight parades in Berlin. All of the
The Holocaust of 1933-1945, was the systematic killing of millions of European Jews by the National Socialist German Worker’s Party (Nazis) (Webster, 430). This project showed the treacherous treatment towards all Jews of that era. Though many fought against this horrific genocide, the officials had already determined in their minds to exterminate the Jews. Thus, the Holocaust was a malicious movement that broke up many homes, brought immense despair, and congregated great discrimination. The Holocaust was an act of Hell on earth.
The Holocaust was one of the most horrific events ever to happen in World War II. Over 6 million people were killed in it. Two thirds of the Jewish population were killed because of Holocaust. The word “Holocaust” comes from two Greek words - “holo” (which means whole) and “kaustos”(which means burnt). In some languages it refers to a sacrifice to God, which was usually an animal sacrifice. Adolf Hitler thought that the Jewish race was the cause of everything evil. He blamed the Jews for Germany’s loss in World War I, because he said they wanted to dominate the world. Hitler thought that the only way for Germans to survive was to kill all of the Jews. Holocaust was the time when the Nazis reached the peak of their persecution. This peak was
What is the term “Holocaust”? And how bad was it? Holocaust comes from the Greek words “Holos” which means whole and “kaustos” which means burned. Those words basically is what the Jews went through. Nothing can amount close enough to the cruel and awful punishment they endured beside slavery. The Jews were an inferior race and a threat to the German race. . The German community were controlled and brainwashed by a man named Hitler who led from 1934-1945.
The Holocaust is defined as destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war. Following 1945, the word has taken on a new meaning referring to the mass slaughtering of millions of European Jews as well as other persecuted groups (gypsies and homosexuals), by the German Nazi regime during the Second World War. In Europe the Jews experienced anti-Semitism (hostility or prejudice against Jews) which dated back to the ancient world, to the time when the Jewish temples were destroyed and they were forced to leave Palestine by Roman authorities. This wide-spread hatred of the Jews augmented the virulent mindset behind the Holocaust.
The Holocaust was the murder and persecution of approximately 6 million Jews and many others by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. The Nazis came to power in Germany in January of 1933. The Nazis thought that the “inferior” Jews were a threat to the “racially superior” German racial community. The death camps were operated from 1941 to 1945, and many people lost their lives or were forced to work in concentration camps during these years. The story leading up to the Holocaust, how the terrible event affected people’s lives, and how it came to and end are all topics that make this historic event worth learning about.
One day in Germany, 1933, a man named Adolf Hitler came into power. He ordered to have all the Jews and more people to be killed, which would make Germans a superior race. He gathered up many young, German boys to become soldiers and help get rid of the Jews. Hitler’s plans for the ¨Final Solution¨ lasted for over ten years. This time period ended up being World War II, or the Holocaust. Concentration camps, liberation, and hearing survivors’ stories are all key factors of the Holocaust.
The holocaust was a very tragic time. The meaning of holocaust is “ burned on the alter”. The holocaust happened in 1945. And was located in Europe. During the holocaust many innocent lives were taken. The word holocaust have taken a very new and terrible meaning. The murder of 6 million European jews.
The Holocaust was an ultimate abomination of Nazi racism that occurred between 1938 and 1945. The word Holocaust derived from the Greek word holokauston, which stands for a burnt sacrifice that is offered whole to God. The word was chosen for this occurrence because of the amount of dead bodies that were cremated in open fires by Nazis. The Holocaust was known for the mass murders of European Jews that took place during the Second World War. European Jews were the fundamental victims during the Holocaust and seemed to be the most targeted. In 1933, approximately nine million Jews lived in Europe and settle in 21 different countries. It eventually would be seized by Germany during the Second World War. By 1945, around five or six million European Jews had been brutally murdered. A majority of them died in concentration camps that were build primarily for Jews. However, Jews were not the only victims that were persecuted by Hitler’s and his Nazi regime. A half million Gypsies, mentally or physically disabled persons, and Soviet prisoners from war were also discriminated victims to Hitler’s Nazi genocide. Jehovah’s Witnesses and homosexuals were also persecuted in Europe.