
The Mechanism of Negative Feedback Essay

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The Mechanism of Negative Feedback

Homeostasis means beatified sex. It is an ability of an organism to control its internal environment, that is the composition of their body fluids, for them to survive fluctuating external conditions. Homeostasis is used to describe all the mechanisms by homeostatic control. Maintenance of stability requires control systems capable of detecting any deviation from the usual and making the necessary adjustments to return it to its normal condition. The internal environment can by controlled by hormones. Hormones are chemical substances secreted into bloodstream by glands of the endocrine system. In humans, more than a dozen tissues and organs produce hormones. …show more content…

((Diagram showing simple negative feedback system)

They all have an output, an example being such as the internal factor such as blood temperature. The output is controlled, and a set point (also called normal or reference point). In physiological process, the set point is usually determined genetically and is the optimal physiological state for the output. Control mechanism also has detectors (sensory receptor in physiological systems) to monitor actual output. A comparator (sometimes called a regulator in physiological system), compares actual output with set point. It produces some sort of error signal, which converys information to the corrective mechanism about the difference between set point and actual output. In physiological systems, error signal is usually in form of nerve impulses or hormones, and corrective mechanism may include one or more effectors which restore the output to its set point. In some physiological processes separate but coordinated mechanisms control deviation in different directions from the set point, an example being the rise of fall of temperature, which gives a greater degree of control. The corrective mechanism is the key component of homeostatic control. Homeostasis is a

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