Critical Analysis
Prior to tackling this topic, I had some predetermined thoughts about the media’s role in coverage of police shootings. This led me to researching the psychology of the people involved in these events. While I thought I would gather plenty of data to support a conclusion, I was surprised to find that was not the case. There was not enough data for this paper because fake news is a relatively new concept in our society with very little conclusive data.
The next logical step was to review studies on law enforcement and use of force, as well as studies on how social media and on-line media impact our everyday lives. My goal was to find parallels in the various studies to support a well thought out conclusion.
I began by
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The next step I took in finding the answer and possible solution, was to find studies that focused on who was being arrested and were the results similar in other parts of the country. In my search for information I found a journal article written by Gentry (2015). The focus of her research was to analyze whether the news media reporting of events affected people’s perceptions when the topic dealt with race and crime in the city of Las Vegas. Gentry compared how people viewed Whites who committed crimes to Blacks and Hispanics who committed crimes. This type of research is important because the results could help spur a change in how journalists report the details of crimes committed by alleged criminals who are not white. There were many interesting facts that came about because of this study. I found it interesting how many Las Vegas police officers shot unarmed persons since the early nineties. Of the thirty-three incidents, seven of the suspects died at the hands of a police officer’s gun. While these statistics are not that much different from other cities comparable to Las Vegas, what is noteworthy was the reason why they shot an unarmed suspect. Police officers told investigators that they feared for their life because they thought the person was armed with a deadly weapon and about to inflict bodily harm upon
What media sources affects your life the most. The sources I believe affects mine the most is television. The T.V. has gotten where all shows is cussing ,violence,and P.D.A. Television has a very bad impact on my life.
In Robert Stuart’s essay “Social Media: Establishing Criteria for Law Enforcement Use,” the author gives an overview of the relationship between social media and law enforcement. Stuart makes a claim of policy believing that social media has been helpful and harmful to law enforcement and that tighter regulations of the use of social media by law enforcement must be enacted within their respective agencies. The warrants in his essay are that most people do not understand the reach of social media, technologies that help law enforcement are a benefit, and technologies that jeopardize an officer’s image, official duties, or safety are undesirable. Stuart’s tone remains consistently professional and he lays out his support in order of the previously stated warrants. The author begins with the reach of social media and then moves to social media’s benefit to law enforcement.
In “Faux Friendship,” associate professor William Deresiewics discusses the affect that social media has on our society. Deresiewics originally published this piece in The Chronicles of Higher Education in December 2009, but this piece has been published in The Nation, The American Scholar, The London Review of Books, and The New York Times. Deresiewics’ attempts to convince readers that social media take away our ability to build relationships in person. Despite Deresiewics’ appeal to ethos and this rebuttal to the opposition, “Faux Friendship” should not be considered for Culture Comment’s top prize for persuasive essays due to its attack on the reader and overpowering assumptions.
Criminology is continuously developing. Advances of technology have made media our primary news source for crime. We believe the stories told by our local news media, because these sources are supposedly reliable. Nevertheless, sometimes they do spread false information, intentionally or unintentionally. According to Cohen, media presence amplifies a problem which did not previously exist (Steeves and Milford, 2015) thus creating a moral panic.
The purpose of this research proposal is to determine if social media impacts the use of excessive force among police officers. The hypothesis states that social media has decreased the number of excessive force incidents that occur in the United States. More so, the ability to share a police officer’s actions across social media as a way to deterrent police officers from using excessive force. Therefore, I hypothesize that once a police department is involved is in involved in an excessive force case that’s widely spread to millions of people, they will be less likely to use excessive force ongoing and the number of citizen complaints will decrease within that police department. The methodology used for this research proposal is a two part
Addressing that media produces a false representation of crime and the victims involved in these crimes. There are sensationalized cases that catch the attention of media yet these crimes may not be representative of the social area that they are perpetrated within. Does the offense, ethnic group, or the arresting agency produce the sensationalism of the report. Consequently, are these reports driving the fear of victimization possibilities, social controls, and social divides. We look towards the media as a form of educational sources to depict what is truly going on within our communities, cultures, and world but are these true statements. So many are using social sites to interact within their everyday environment to post opinions,
This research proposal will consider the following: what are the factors contributing to how social media impacts the perceptions of excessive use of force? But more importantly, the purpose of this study is to determine how social media affects the number of excessive force incidents that occur by police officers. The question that will be examine is: since the new age of technology police officers are aware of for example dash cams, IPhone, etc. does that knowledge decrease the number of excessive force incidents that will or may occur? Based on the given evidence, I have found this research to be significant because in recent news, many bystanders/onlookers have been taken photos and videos accompanying police brutality. With that being said, the photos and videos taken reaches social media and that alone broadcasts to millions of people in a matter of seconds. People log on every second to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, news apps, etc. and they’re able to see the brutality use by police which then creates this perception of how social media impacts their daily lives.
Televised news has the ability to influence the lives of the human population. News broadcasts have an impact on communities in a way other media outlets have been unable to accomplish. Major events have been captured by television, which affects individuals, and multiple aspects of society.
Cases such as this one shows the increasing use of social media in criminal investigations. Just how often do law enforcements use social media in their line of work? “A nationwide survey conducted last year of 600 law enforcement agencies found that 92 percent use some form of social media. Of those plugged-in agencies, 90 percent use Facebook, 50 percent Twitter and 37 percent YouTube, according to the International Association of Chiefs of Police's Center for Social Media findings”.
Law enforcement has always been dangerous because officers risk their lives to form a barrier between criminals and society on a daily basis. The inclusion of social media in police work has opened the door to a whole new set of risks. Media seems to be a double-edged sword for law enforcement. On one hand, it has refined police tactics, enabling police departments to evolve from wanted posters to police radio, and from patrol cars to social networks, such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. On the other hand, it has allowed criminals to organize and establish extremist groups and influence far more people than previously possible with the intent of causing disruption and violence throughout society.
Since the up-climb of social media began in 2003, law enforcement has greatly adapted to the social media network in order to better communicate with the public and to improve their protocol. Much of police work is unappreciated and unknown of. Therefore, some departments have taken it upon themselves to educate the public via social networks, such as Twitter and Facebook. This is done in order to inform the community of what their department does, and to build confidence and trust towards their agency. Around the country, law enforcement agencies see social media as both beneficial and damaging. Thus, with the awareness that social media is here to stay, law enforcement has chosen to adjust to these social changes and to use them in their benefit.
Are we influenced by the media, if yes how much? Sociologist and Psychologist contemplate that question often. The media has been accused of causing violent behavior, negative racial stereotyping and negative body perceptions mostly among young girls. No one can deny that the media has an effect on society, but is the media just giving society what he or she wants? Has the media taken away our ability to think for ourselves critically? We are constantly feed information from the newspapers, television news and weekly news magazines most of us believing without question because we believe the source credible.
News, in many forms, describes events and relays information to those who are interested or uniformed. Television programs, newspapers, online articles are a few forms of media that have become easily assessable. Mainstream media can also include Facebook, Twitter and other online social media sources. The main focus of this paper will be on The Akron Beacon Journal, the 10 o’clock Channel 8 news, and online news sources. In all three forms of media, the most popularized event is the recent shooting of Robert Goodwin Sr. by Steven Stephens. Limited criminal activates were reported, possibly due to the tragic event of the shooting, but the few that were reported will be described and examined.
The definition of iconic is very famous, well known icon or a widely known symbol. Social media is famous and can be considered a widely known symbol of popularity. Social media are websites and applications that enable users to create and share content, or to participate in social networking. Social Media is affecting our lives immensely. Sometimes the effect is positive, sometimes it’s negative. Where would we be today if Social Media hadn’t have been created? Would we be more or less social? Would we remember birthday’s or events on our own? Would there be less car accidents? No one really knows the answers to these questions. Social media is affecting our lives whether we are personally using it or not.
In today 's society, there are a multiplicity of tools derived from modern technology which has facilitated the form of communication among individuals. An example of this tool is none other than social network, the most powerful form of communication. Essentially, the world constant evolution over the years has triggered a high demand in modern technology and also changed the way humans interact. Social network, being the most influential weapon of our generation, has a great impact to impact in our lives both positively and negatively. Social network can be described as a computerized network created by society by individuals, companies, government, and many others to share information or interests, and also create ideas. In addition to, it can be used to find long lost family members, online dating, latest fashion trends, and as well as up-to-date news around the world. Social networking has become the fastest and easier form of communication among individuals across the globe. Subsequently, the shift in the social communicative landscape has resulted in the ability to get easy access to any social network account via cell phones, tablets, smart watches, and computers around the world. Today, many different news stations use social media to inform the public masses who necessarily have time to watch television. As a direct result, numerous fake news outlets whom use social networking sites such as Facebook to report fake news based on made up evidence. We are in the era