
The Media Is A Real Issue

Good Essays

I was 17 years old when I first moved to this country. The first day, when I turned on the TV, different commercials came on. I watched them with a look of shock on my face. The way they portray women, in such an over-sexualized way, was shocking to me. Compared to where I come from, America is relatively closed when talking about topics surrounding sex. This use of women and sex in the media is a recurring theme that I have seen in my years of living in the United States. I am glad that I can now share, in a school assignment a different cultural view of this topic. When looking for an advertisement to do my essay on, this one stood out.
I will show, by critically summarizing and analysing a modern ad, that oversexualization of women in …show more content…

Burger King.” The female in the picture hurt her mouth by opening too wide when eating a Burger King burger. This supports their idea of having bigger burgers compared to their competition. But the picture is much more than just that. If you continue to look closely, there is a hidden message in the advertisement. It has a rhetoric edge to it. This brought up the argument of the sexualisation women in the media today. The creator of the ad uses Burger Kings reputation and brand name to establish credibility. He speaks to an emotional appeal with the choice of picture, and subject in the picture used. His connection made with Band-Aids and ‘bigger’ leads to an logical approach of why their burgers are the biggest and best.
This ad immediately got my attention, in a negative way. When further analyzing the picture, my feelings only got stronger. Others might have a very different reaction, but the hidden emotional message is something that doesn’t feel right to me. The picture uses a close up image of a women’s mouth. They purposely focus on a sexy part of the female body, while keeping distance from direct sexual body parts. It is an over-sexualized message hidden underneath the picture, so that people wouldn’t immediately draw that conclusion of sexualization. She is white, and young. Her face is very angular, which is considered preferable in today’s society and her skin is perfectly smooth and symmetrical. She is fake perfection, since photo shop must have been

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