
The Media 's Influence On Children

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The media, including movies, television, video games, and more, is an extraordinarily prevalent entity in everyday life. Media displays many distorted images of real life, yet presents it as the ideal image of life. Those who watch the media are highly susceptible to forming false beliefs about what behavior trends are acceptable. Those who are most susceptible are children who are still forming schemas and experiencing schema accommodation; unfortunately, children between the ages of 2 and 11 watch television for an average of 28 hours a week (Calvert & Huston, 1987; Huston & Wright, 1996). Children are constantly reinforced and taught to follow gender roles, stereotypically classifying boys as macho and strong and girls as gentile and emotional. The purpose of this study is to further insight into the images popular media, specifically movies tailored to be enjoyed by children, shows to its viewers, specifically children. According to Bandura’s Social Learning theory, by watching others’ behaviors, even through a television screen, the viewer will model the behavior and be vicariously reinforced to repeat it themselves (Bandura 1963). Bandura studied the modelling of aggressive behavior specifically. Aggressive behavior can be separated into two types of aggression: physical aggression and relational or indirect aggression. Psychologists Coyne and Whitehead define physical aggression as directly malicious behavior and relational aggression as more indirect forms

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