We all have differences and similarities between one another. Both similarities and differences can have advantages and disadvanteges. For example, “the medicine Bag” by Virginia driving hawk Sneve, and Apaches Girls Rite of passes video by Nation geographic do have their similarity and differences. However, each one does one advantage and disadvangatge to help us undertsnad each one in different ways.
One of the similarities between the text of “The Medicine Bag” and the Apaches Girls rite of passage video is that both groups start at a certain age for their rites of passages. For example, in the Apache video, Dachina is 13 years old when the ceremony began. At the age of 13, you are starting to grow into your “adult” years and no longer
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The trials Dachina goes through during these stages are to test her for woman hood. On the other hand, the passing of the medicine bag to martin is privately done with just Grandpa and him together in a room. Going back to the text, the process starts with Grandpa explain the reason of importionce of the medince bag to martin so he could understand the meaning clearly. The last and final difference between “the Medicine bag” and the apaches girls rite of passageis that one is for the growth of girls and the other for boys. As said many time, the Apache celebrate the growth of girls and welcmoning them into woman hood.While in the Medicine bag, Gfrandpa clearly states the the bag is to be passed onto the oldest male in the famly, which makes sence ,maturity wise.
The amount of information collected from the text and video have their own forms of detail, having their advantages and disadvangtes. One of the dissadvantegs for the text of “The medicine Bag” is that you don’t get a visual on what is happening during the story. The only thing syou have availiable to you are the details in the story that explain what is going on. On the other hand, one advantage from the text is that you were able to get a first person point of view. The story was told in Martins point of view, so I was able to read about how he felt about the medicine bag and his grandpa. One disadvantage I got from the Apache girls rite of
The stories “The Medicine Bag” and “Apache Girls Rite of Passage” both explain the important traditions that transition a child to adulthood. In “The Medicine Bag” a young boy named Martin is passed down an important family heirloom that represents the change from a boy to a man. In “Apache Girls Rite of Passage” a documentary is made about an important ritual that Apache girls participate in to change from a girl to a woman. In both passages there are similarities and differences between the Rite of Passage. There are also advantages and disadvantages of presenting a story in text or in a video.
We learn that there are differences in people that do not make a difference. That they way
Do similar actions and people in life create comfortable loops reminding us we are all equal ? Many people see what is familiar in people and events to create a sense of equality, that life is life and there is nothing you can change about that ; “Maybe you're supposed to believe that all life is sacred.”(162) In the novel Flight by Sherman Alexie, a half native teenager travels through time going from body to body to learn a valuable lesson about revenge and betrayal. In the middle of the novel Zits has an important and impactable experience that illustrates Zits need for love and similarity.
Why are not all humans exactly the same? What separates humans apart from each other, aside from their external appearance? Each individual human being is unique and extraordinary, due to the different characteristics they possess. Granting the fact that humans having similar qualities is a frequent occurrence, no two individuals attain identical personalities. Comparing and contrasting the characteristics of Odysseus, the main character in The Odyssey, an Epic Poem taking place in ancient Greek culture, and Percy Jackson, the main character in the novel The Lightning Thief, likenesses and differences within their
But this overview of the similarities is mainly where the similarities end and the differences begin.
To begin with, there are more things in contrast than there are things in common. One of the differences is that nobody used to be able to come into our the United States in the late 1800s to the early 1900s. The
The short story “The Medicine Bag” by Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve and the video Apache Girl’s Rite of Passage by National Geographic have many differences and similarities to introduce the reader to Native American rites of passage. The most significant difference is that the short story emphasizes the emotional struggle of Martin, while the video shows the physical struggle of Dachina Cochise. This can be shown in the short story when it states, “’Thank you, Grandpa.’ I said softly...Two weeks later, I stood alone on the lonely prairie of the reservation and put the sacred sage in my medicine bag.”(Sneve 78, 79) In contrast, the video shows, “These four days mean little sleep, scant food, and the need to set aside emotion. Throughout the ordeal, she must wear a face of stoic resolve.”(National Geographic) At this point in the short story, Martin successfully receives and inherits the medicine bag from his Grandpa and goes to the reservation to put the sacred sage in the medicine bag, signifying that he is the new bearer. As shown from the video quote, Dachina Cochise is starting her trials, but she has to go with little food or sleep and keep a straight face the whole time. This proves that the type of journey they go through makes a big difference in the purpose and meaning of the story. Martin starts as embarrassed about his culture and the medicine bag because he is afraid his friends will make fun of him. Throughout the story, it emphasizes his emotional growth and he
Out of around 7.347 billion people in the world, there is not one person who is the exact same. We all have physical differences, we all talk differently, think differently, we have different interests, motivated differently, different drives, desires, we all have different goals and dreams.
Every rite of passage have different things that they have to do in different cultures, they also have some similarities. The Apache girl’s rite of passage and Lakota rite of passage have little similarities and many differences. The things that they have to do to become a adult are different and the things that they have to go through are the same in some ways. By the looks of it, it seems that they are different in every single way. Look closer and you can tell that they are the same in some ways.
Also, it is natural to search out or relate to that which is "like" or common to us. These ideas form or create the self definition of who an individual is. Cultural togetherness is not a bad thing. However, these ideas have negative retributions when acted upon in extreme degrees. The individuality of a group is wonderful, but not when it causes a cut off from other groups. What segregation brings or prevents is the opportunity for experience of diversity or a wide range of livelihood in general. There is more to the world then just you or just me. This type of separation causes barriers or invisible lines and walls that are rarely crossed by people in our society today. These barriers produce the loss of uniqueness among both a group of people as well as individuals. When everyone is the same or alike, people lose the capability to be special or unmatched ( Myers, 34). Differences and diversity should be celebrated as a chance or opportunity to be able to stand out as well as the chance to educate each other about the creation of man and woman.
He was constantly high on heroin, and when he was not, he was grumpy and abusive towards her. Eventually in times of lonesome, Baby got a hold of drugs on her own. First, she tried magic mushrooms. At first, getting high was a way for Baby to entertain herself. However, she eventually tried her father’s drug of choice, heroin. She quickly becomes addicted to the feeling she gets when high off this drug. Heroin entwines itself into Baby’s day-to-day life and begins to impair her normal decision making, “There wasn’t much, but there was enough to make all my anger dissipate. As soon as I was high, I couldn’t even remember what my escape plan had been (569).”Her quick addiction allows Baby to find an escape from her reality. Turning to drugs to fill the void her parents left within her childhood is not only temporary, but it is dangerous. People close to Baby demonstrate first-hand the dangers that this coping mechanism can pose. Her pimp, Alphonse, even died of an overdose with her in the room, “As soon as I looked at Alphonse’s face, I knew that he was dead, even though I had never seen a dead body before (604).” Baby’s method of coping from her father’s negligence is to turn to the exact thing that she witness ruin him, heroin. However, as a child of her age, she would not know any better. Her father is happier and more affectionate towards her while he is high, so it would only make sense to her to think that she would be the
Beginning with “The Medicine Bag” , the main character is Martin. His Grandpa, who is an Indian on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota, came to visit him and his family. When Martin's sister, Cheryl, saw their grandpa, she got extremely excited and couldn't wait for her friends to come and meet him. Martin on the other hand was not too excited. He
There are so many rites of passage for kids, have you ever wondered what native american kids go through? Many people go through rites of passage but Dachina is going through a very important time in her life where she becomes a women. In the Medicine Bag, Martin is going through an important time in his life where is receiving an important object. There are lots of ways that the Apache girl and Medicine Bag are similar as well as, different. Likewise, there are many disadvantages and advantages of text versus video.
Another reason that the medicine bag’s rite of passage is most significant to me because when his
The Apache and Lakota rite of passages have their similarities and differences in the sense of their practices. For example, the Apache rite of passage for the young women is more physical than the Lakota rite of passage. The Apache rite of passage is represented in a video while the Lakota rite of passage is represented in a book therefor, the audience may find some advantages and disadvantages when learning about each rite of passage.