Professor Sonia Maldonado EDU 101 May 2nd, 2017 Spring 2017 4th Grade Observation The Melrose school Ps/Ms 29 is a public school located in the Bronx borough of New York city. The school district in charge of the Melrose school is the 7th district. This school carries 787 enrolled students with grades Pre-kindergarten through 8th grade. This makes this school not only a elementary school but also a middle school. Which creates a great diversity of students because of the grade difference in students walking the hallways. This helps students who attend this school feel more comfortable when it comes time progress to the …show more content…
On the right side of the classroom there is a closet that has four doors and on each door there is small bulletin board three of them with students names and their weekly tasks. Also the teacher also has one of the four bulletin boards with the student of the month and his or her achievements. On the left side of the room there are organizers with books and materials for students use. This same side of the room has the wall with another bulletin board with vocabulary words in which words are added daily and changed weekly. The vocabulary words a placed in alphabetical order. The words placed on the wall are based on the topic of the day. Also, I noticed that when the teacher is going to collect work from the students she first hands the their individual folders for them to place their work in and later she collects everyone 's folder. For the observed 4th grade class there are 23 students in the classroom and one teacher. There are 10 female students and 13 males. The cultural backgrounds in the classroom are diverse, more than half of the students are African American or Hispanic and two of the Students are middle eastern. This fourth grade class does not have any special needs students, Therefore, no one of the students in this class require the help of a paraprofessional. The students have different materials available to them to make their learning easier as well
Fear and curiosity ran through my body. Stoller middle was my first school in the United States. I came all the way from India where everything was very different from here. My parents decided to bring me here because they hoped I will have a better future. I didn't have enough time to understand how schools worked here because when I got here the schools almost began. Rather than staying behind and trying to understand the school, my parents decided to get me enrolled.
Kindergarten classroom of 25 students they all sit at tables that will hold up to six students, however I have them sitting 5 to a table for ease of grouping. Each table is a team labeled by a color, a large construction paper crayon hangs from the ceiling above each table, and they have matching crayon nametags on their desks. There is a Smart Board at the front of the classroom as well as a white board. My desk is at the front of the room to the right of the white board. Different centers are located around the room such as the art center, the math center, the reading tree is in the opposite corner from my desk. The room also has a single restroom and a sink and water fountain outside of the restroom. We also have circle area to the left of the reading corner
We have cubbies were students put their belongings. We have tables that either two to three students can sit and do their work or activities. A few ways to improve my classroom would be to have a few more educational poster like of nutrition, grammar (nouns, verbs, adjectives and etc.), separating the different elementary grade levels so they near posters that would benefit them and adding activity board where students can draw or use it. The positive things in the classroom is that the room is separated into two parts so kids doing homework is in one part and kids playing is in the other part. Also, having posters that are beneficial to what kids are learning in school and the individuals’ cubbies for each student and the
Teacher will provide handouts, pictures from the planes, activity sheets, and computers as part of practice for students to learn to resolve each word’s problem.
I keep the room neat to encourage the children to take care of their toys and other belongings. I label each shelf with pictures of the item and the item name to assist the kids in recognizing items and learn the new words, labeling also helps them remember where things go. Organization is key for my classroom. All table top toys are stored near tables, pillows and stuffed animals are kept in the library area to encourage quiet time. I make sure we have plenty of available wall space to hang up art projects, all art, posters, pictures, eat are kept at the children eye level.
The classroom is made up of general education. There are about three students who leave the classroom to go to speech. The makeup of the classroom is different
There were several separated areas in the classroom. There was a section for every subject to learn. All the children had personal space to be free or if they liked they could pick a partner to do group works. For children who enjoyed reading and English they were a location for them to work on that topic. In the English and reading is the language area where children where the children learn how to read, in this part of the room there is a book self’s, where they learn beginning sounds, They also have a animals for each a letter within the Alpha the letters hand on, there are no ABC chart hanging on the wall. Geographic had placed in the room with space where they were flashcard, globes, flags that they could hold for example a flashcard would say “The truck is a support for the halyard at the top of the flagpole “.And that was involving the earth and landmarks. The sciences area there were plants, eggs, visual drawings of animals folders with part of all animals that were labeled part of trees that are labeled, and leaves that were labeled. Practical life throughout using the visually things to touch table’s plates, and thing those everyday things we learn every day. They are things such as beading, pouring, sorting, and motor skills. In the math Area, there was stick that does into going a box that allowed for the children self-correctional themselves as well as self-assessment. If the child did not get it correct, there was only the amount to allow them
The classroom itself is divided into several different sections each with specific purposes. On one side of the room, there are ten desks in two rows of four and one row of two which face a blackboard. The blackboard is always covered with the morning message, which the students are meant to copy down in their notebooks, as well as various other posters and drawings. Currently there is a large scale drawing of the cover of Charlotte’s Web covering part of the board as this book is currently being read to the class. Each student is permanently assigned to a desk and there are name tags to ensure that the students know which desk is theirs. There are also sets of cubbies affixed to each desk where
The class I observe is called World Humanity class. In this class students learn Social Study and Literacy together. There were 25 students in sixth grade, including two special education students under IEP (Individual
The learner group is composed of two class periods combined to equal 57 students. Eight of these students have Individual Education Plans, all of which have minor accommodations such as extended testing time and use of calculators. The majority of students are white Americans, 91%, with .5% being Hispanic and .2% black and American Indian. No students qualify as English Language
All students have a different learning style and can benefit from hands on or real life activities in the classroom.
The classroom is organized so that the student’s stuff and the teacher’s stuff should not cross paths. The students keep their materials in their cubbies at one end of the room, their pencil boxes at their seats, and their book boxes on the floor. The teacher’s stuff is located on her desk, and the back table where small group stuff gets done. The classroom setting is definitely positive and interesting because it has a minion theme. Children in that age range love minions most of the time and
In addition, it is an aid as a main constituent in making teaching more efficient as well as improving learning situation to become more properly enhanced and developed , hence, increasing students academic standards.
It contains the use of instructional materials like the books, visual aids and environment in relation to the pupil’s performance. These materials are used to aid in the transfer information from one person to another .They are also tools or equipments that can help effect the instructor in
This way, the students tend to process the information they read from the text book, for a better understanding of the subject. They also exchange notes and class materials with each other. This way, they get exposed to more knowledge.