
The Method Of Instruction That Physics Teachers

Decent Essays

The method of instruction that physics teachers employ to educate their students varies from teacher to teacher with many different approaches that they deem more efficient, engaging, and enriching opposed to other methods. The over-reaching aspect the methods of instruction primarily are based from two aspects of delivering information: A univocal approach to delivering and educating students utilizes the instructor’s prowess with physics directing and leading their students and the dialogical approach of guiding students towards the learning goal. The learning theory encompasses the reasoning behind why teaching and learning is approached in such a broad manner and the influences that go into the relationship in order to best benefit learning. Over time, students vary with how they best learn with the technology and ever- changing world around them. Therefore, instruction should be suited to change with it. These two articles point towards a general concession: that learning and teaching should not depend on one approach, but many directions and angles in order to effectively reach as many students as possible. The aspect of either instructing a course with a univocal or dialogical approach seems too clear cut and standardized when it comes to specific subjects. Math subjects have tended to lean towards teaching the content through a direct and specific univocal approach, one that the individual teacher has honed over the years as a lecture that gets repeated every time.

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