
The Migration Of Italy : The Causes Of Italian Immigration In Italy

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Italy like almost all other European countries also suffered large population losses due to mass emigration during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Until the 1870s, Italian emigration was on a rather moderate level in comparison to other European countries.
Between 1876 and 1970, about 25 million Italians left the country in search of work.
Italy is occupying a peninsula that juts deep into the Mediterranean Sea. And Due to the geographical position coming to Italy through the Mediterranean Sea has historically been the most used route for migrants.
Because of the low rate of population in Italy, it was welcoming these migrants workers. These migrants after they were denied entry from other western European countries, Italy was an easy destination to get into undetected.
In 1972 Italy for the first time registered more people entering the country than leaving, in part because of repatriation but also as a result of immigration from other countries. as no policy existed either to measure or to control immigration before the mid-1980s, the scale of the influx of non-European immigrants was difficult to assess, From the early immigrants arrivals to the refugees in recent years, Immigrants come to Italy seeking safety and employment, safety because of civil war in some African countries and Middle east, and Employment because of poverty specially from African sub-Saharan countries, from South America, and the Yugoslavians who helped with the reconstruction work in Friuli

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