
The Miller's Fabliau In The Canterbury Tales By Geoffrey Chaucer

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The Miller's Fabliau The Canterbury Tales, written by Geoffrey Chaucer, has been well documented in records from the middle english period. A prominent reason for its relevance is the diversity in its Genres story structures. Some stories are long and more sophisticated than others such as the Knight's tale, and some more are short and humorous such as the Miller’s tale. The Knight’s tale would be under romance and the Miller’s would be under fabliaux. Fabliaux stories are known for their humor and deception aswell as sexaul indications. The narrator even tells the reader these words before allowing the Miller to proceed with his story, “ and eek men shall not make ernest of game(lines 78).” …show more content…

Such as the part when Alison tricks Absolon into kissing her butt instead of her lips, and then Absolon brands Nicholas's butt, who then screams water. This then leads to John the carpenter cutting his rope and falling. In fabliaux, one is only as good as ones last trick. Privacy is an important structure in fabliaux as it allows characters to focus on their personal desires. The typical setting for this genre is reserved since sexaul desire and deception is strong there are typically a lot of small hiding spots. Writer Thomas J. Farrell stated “ The root, etymological meaning of privacy identifies the household as the essentially private domain: Roman Civil law gave society no authority over it (Farrell).” This privacy is where lust and deception …show more content…

Absolon is a parody of the conventional courtly lover. He seeks Alisouns love and tries to woo her with any chance he gets. He offers her all his love, but in the end the only thing he got was, “hir naked ers” (626). Nicholas is a parody of a traditional slick cleric. He devises this unnecessary complicated plan to allow him and Alisoun to get some alone time. A much simpler plan could have been executed easily, but in Fabliaux the sheer pleasure is in executing such a complex structure. John seems to be typical old man who is not too bright and easily deceived by the witty

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