Group 7:
The Mind-Body Connection
Friday, November 30, 2012
Principles of Anthropology
Instructor: Adrienne Kitchin
The mind – body connection can be seen as a point of balance between one’s mind and their body; it is the point at which the mind and the body are at equilibrium. "There should be a comprehensive approach for both mind and body. This reciprocal relationship maximizes health benefits, and has exponentially positive consequences beyond the individual." ("Mind-body connection attained," 2012) When one can achieve this connection, they can then attain true happiness far greater than others; there are disciplines that one can train in in order to achieve
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The Philosophical Perspective The mind-body connection alludes to the affinity between the mind and body, specifically in matters of health and well-being. It is founded on the notion that an individual 's thoughts and emotions affect the body, as do social and behavioral factors. “A strong and healthy body is believed to have a positive effect on the mind, and a positive mind correspondingly allows for a healthy strong body” (Clarke, 2001). A philosophical perspective of the mind and body affiliation provides added insight into the various schools of thought regarding the ways in which our minds and our bodies interact. While some 'dualist '-based philosophies suggest that the mind is an entity completely independent of the body and vice versa, 'monoist ' viewpoints propose that the mind and the body are a part of a single being and thus function as one unit accomplishing different objectives. One such stance is the philosophical theory of behaviorism, which holds that “being in a mental state is the same as being in a physical state. In other words, since all that we can know about another person 's state of mind is through their behavior, there is nothing else” (Gatis, 2003). Thus the way one thinks has a direct impact on the way the body functions. For example, if an individual were to say, "I am
The practices of mind and body focus the interactions among the brain, body, behavior, and spiritual energy.
Here Nagel sees a direct impact on the mind-body problem: Accessing these facts about what it is to
The practices of mind and body focus the interactions among the brain, body, behavior, and spiritual energy.
The mind-body problem is an age-old topic in philosophy that questions the relationship between the mental aspect of life, such as the field of beliefs, pains, and emotions, and the physical side of life which deals with matter, atoms, and neurons. There are four concepts that each argue their respective sides. For example, Physicalism is the belief that humans only have a physical brain along with other physical structures, whereas Idealism argues that everything is mind-based. Furthermore, Materialism argues that the whole universe is purely physical. However, the strongest case that answers the commonly asked questions such as “Does the mind exist?” and “Is the mind your brain?” is Dualism.
One of the most talked about concepts of philosophy is that of the mind-body problem. In short, the mind-body problem is the relationship between the mind and the body. Specifically, it’s the connection between our mental realm of thoughts, including beliefs, ideas, sensations, emotions, and our physical realm, the actual matter of which we are made up of the atoms, neurons. The problem comes when we put the emphasis on mind and body. Are the mind and body one physical thing, or two separate entities. Two arguments have stood amongst the rest, Interactionism and physicalism. Interactionism claims that mind and matter are two separate categories with a casual integration between the two. By contrast, physicalism draws from the idea that all aspects of the human body are under one physical being, there are no nonphysical connections that come into play. While both state a clear and arguable statement regarding mind-body problem, Interactionism gives a more plausible answer to the mind-body problem because although it may seem like we are tied as one, our minds have a subconscious that influence our thoughts, actions, ideas, and beliefs, which is completely independent from the realm of our physical matter.
The mind and body problem is a conundrum that argues the explanation of how mental
for one's mind and body work in tandem. The mind is a message center that
The mind and body problem can be divided into many different questions. We can consider or ask by ourselves that what is the mind? What is the body? And do both of them are co-existing, or does the mind only exist in the body? Or does the body only exist
Mind-body dualism is the concept of believing that the human mind/soul is a distinct entity separate from the human body. Princess Elisabeth faults to understand that the human body gives birth to the mind/soul, and that our brain is a part of an individual’s physical body identity. The mind/soul is developed through experiences of the body (which includes the brain) has been through.
The mind–body connection examines the relationship between mind and matter, and in particular the relationship between consciousness and the brain. Many throughout history have often wondered what causes the connection between the mental portion of the mind and the physical state of the body. A variety of different topics have been proposed. Most fall under either the dualist or monist theories. Many philosophers have debated their theories on the mind-body connection to include such philosophers as Descartes and Plato. More recent researchers have moved beyond the dualist
For centuries philosophers have engaged themselves into conversations and arguments trying to figure out the nature of a human person; this has lead to various theories and speculation about the nature of the human mind and body. The question they are tying to answer is whether a human being is made of only the physical, body and brain, or both the physical or the mental, mind. In this paper I will focus on the mind-body Identity Theory to illustrate that it provides a suitable explanation for the mind and body interaction.
Armstrong begins his paper with a question for the reader of what it means to have a mind. It is well understood that man has the ability to perceive, to think, to feel, and so on, but what does it mean to perceive, to think, and to feel? The answer, he believes, lies in science. Seeing that science is constantly and rapidly gaining ground, he asserts that “...we can give a complete account of man in purely physico-chemical terms” (295?) Pointing out the fact that this view has been accepted by various scientists throughout time, he explains it is the most reliable way to approach the mind-body problem.
The beginning of separation between the Western and Eastern cultures started in the 16th century .The mind and body was thought to be one in the 16th century; interacting with each other, being co-players that worked together to create the individual. In the 17th century, Rene Descartes went to the Catholic Church and made a deal: scientists could work with the man’s body while the church explored the mind and spirit. This event in history changed the way Physicians looked at the mind and body for centuries.
The Mind-Body problem arises to Philosophy when we wonder what is the relationship between the mental states, like beliefs and thoughts, and the physical states, like water, human bodies and tables. For the purpose of this paper I will consider physical states as human bodies because we are thinking beings, while the other material things have no mental processes. The question whether mind and body are the same thing, somehow related, or two distinct things not related, has been asked throughout the history of Philosophy, so some philosophers tried to elaborate arrangements and arguments about it, in order to solve the problem and give a satisfactory answer to the question. This paper will argue that the Mind-Body Dualism, a view in
The connection between the mind and body is more than muscle, connective tissue, and nerves. Each system of the body affects each other, contributing to the total health of an individual. Every aspect of health affects the way a person learns, feels, and performs. It is important have a healthy body, sound emotional state, and solid psychological state to learn and perform at the highest level of capability. The psychological aspect builds upon the emotional, and emotional upon the physical. Each plays an important role and acts as building blocks for having a sound body and mind; a holistic approach.