
The Mind's Eye By Oliver Sacks

Good Essays

An essential aspect of humanity that enables us to separate ourselves from the rest of the animal kingdom has been there from the start, this aspect is language. As we have evolved, so has our language. Being able to communicate in a more complex manner than other species has enabled us to perceive the world in a new light and with a more collective mindset. Therefore, we have become a species that is able to see things just from hearing people speak about them. That is not the full extent of our ability, as we are able to see with much more than just an auditory or visual input. In “The Mind’s Eye”, by Oliver Sacks, Sacks talks to blind people in order to better understand the way they perceive the world without sight. Also in “The Mega-Marketing …show more content…

Language comes in many different forms that all can affect a person’s perception and can bring groups of people together that share perception. Language has evolved to such an extent that it is no longer just auditory but also encompasses other senses. Through the addition of written language, people are able to understand what someone is saying by reading their writing, expanding language’s realm to vision. In an even more exceptional case, language has been able to move into the realm of touch. The parts of the brain that control senses, such as touch, are able to take over the parts of the brain that previously controlled vision, making it so that a tactile language, such as Braille, “are visual images, not tactile” (Sacks 336). The language known as Braille has successfully converted the English language into a series of patterns recognizable to touch, thus allowing people who are visually handicapped to read. They are able to read by using their visual cortex …show more content…

These forms can be based on the way that the blindness developed: congenitally, accidentally, or progressively. Or based on the physiological disorder behind the blindness: retinal, neuronal, cerebral. This is similar to the mental disorder of depression which is a chemical imbalance in the brain but can be brought about by many different triggers. Depression can also become perplexing, for some cases are “believed to be caused by a genetic abnormality”, which is several people had could band them together (Watters 520).But what brings them together as a culture is the similarity behind their condition being that they make the best of through the use of language. Language is able to affect blind people’s perceptions. Words carry visual images with them, so when someone hears the word for something they have seen before, they are able to picture that word in their minds. Blind people who were not born blind can still perform this task, and in some cases their loss of actual vision enables their visual imagery in their brain to become stronger. Some blind people even state “that [this] newly strengthened visual imagery enabled [them] to think in ways that had not been available” (Sacks 332). Through the use of language, blind people are still able to perceive in a way similar to

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