
The Model Driven Development Paradigm

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3. Model Driven Development Paradigm
In the last few years, the software development evolves in an important manner MDD is a group of approaches, theories and methodological frameworks for industrialized software development.
The basic idea of this model is to transfer the development efforts from programming to the higher level of abstraction,through use models such as primary artifacts and by transforming models into source code or other artifacts .

This paper explains the meaning of analysis and design phases also analysis, designpatterns, as well as the points of differences and similarities between them, also describe what is development methods,and how to use these patterns in modern development methods, and the …show more content…

Then, a general definition of patterns according to (RIEHLE and ZÜLLIGHOVEN 1996) ‘A pattern is the abstraction from a concrete form which keeps recurring in specific non-arbitrary contexts.’ also there is another definition "Patterns are regularities in data from a specified source" according to….
Analysis and Design Phases Description
Software Engineering is the whole process of developing a software product from beginning to end using an accepted methodology. One of the common and oldest methods is the Waterfall model which sets a linear sequence of progression from Requirements gathering and analysis, design, implementation, testing to maintenance (Philip L, Matthew, &Nick, 2002).

Fig (1) the waterfall model of software development
The five common stages include
1. Analysis
At this stage the system requirements are collected and defined. Every existing systems can also be evaluated and each inadequacy can be highlighted.
2. Design
A design specification is taken from requirements analysis, which plans are prepared related to physical construction, hardware, operating systems, programming, communications and safety issues.
3. Build
Using the design specification, the system is developed and elements built. Additionally, the system will also be tested and user training will happen.
4. Implement
The system is installed and implemented. That is, through any a gradual phased process or through a more cost

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