The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street is a story about aliens turning off power on a street and putting people against each other. The Andy Griffith Show is a TV show with an episode about a new person named, Ed, in town that knows everything about Maybury and is accused of being supernatural. The story and episode are alike and different. The way to compare and contrast them involves setting, mood, irony, theme, complications, and conflict. The main reason these two are similar is because of superstition. The main reason they are different is because of the endings. Their settings are both in a town during the day. The two moods start happy, but turn into suspicion. The irony is everyone thinks that suspicious people are supernatural when …show more content…
The mood at the end of The Andy Griffith Show is happy. In The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street, the problem isn’t solved even though we know what is happening. In The Andy Griffith Show, Ed only had to know a lot to be considered as peculiar. With the complications, The Andy Griffith Show didn’t have anyone get shot or hurt. The conflict in, The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street, becomes physical. The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street and The Andy Griffith Show, are also different. The reason for strange things happening in, The Monsters, is aliens. While in, The Andy Griffith Show, a random guy shows up that knows everything in Maybury. The end of Monsters is fighting. The end of The Andy Griffith is calm and nice. The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street is a story about aliens turning off power on a street and putting people against each other. The Andy Griffith Show is a TV show with an episode about a new person named Ed, in town that knows everything about Maybury and is accused of being supernatural. The story and episode are alike and different. The way to compare and contrast them involves setting, mood, irony, theme, complications, and conflict. The main reason these two are similar is because of superstition. The main reason they are different is because of the
In both versions there are many differences and few similarities. Rod Serling, changed updates to relate time period to a modern theme. "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street" 1960 version is black and white and the 2002 version is in color. The 1960 version is less violent how the 2002 version is very violent. The characters change for looking and dressing alike to look nothing alike in the 1960 episode everyone is white fancy as where the 2002 episode has people who don’t care who they look like and they don’t have the same skin color.
The similarity and connection existing between the two stories is the point of view in the two essays. The stories are both written in the first person perspective and that
The stories bear minor similarities and differences that the setting influences the plot development by era and place, main characters backgrounds, and environment /time frame of stories.
Although the stories’ main components mirror each other, they still differentiate. For example, in “The Devil and Tom Walker,” everyone believes Tom has made a deal with the devil, whereas in “Young Goodman Brown,” the author questions the actuality
In the story “The Monsters” and “Andy Griffith Show” there are a lot of things in common. There are also a lot of things different. In both stories there is a lot of suspicion going on. But different kinds of suspicion. In both stories the point of them were to never judge a book by its cover.
These two stories have few things in common that can be described in a way that
The stories we read in class had a lot of distinct similarities in each story. One similarity I saw was; all the stories introduced their settings in the beginning. Also, all the stories explain some truths about the world we live in. For example, in The Lottery, this story shows the danger of blindly following traditions of the community was so used to playing the lottery, that it has become a normal habit for them not realizing the damage this “lottery” is causing them and the people who has to lose their life for it. Another example, in The Lottery, is when Mrs. Delacroix turned against her good friend Tessie by picking up the largest stone to kill her which shows that there are certain friends you may have and when certain situations happens, their true colors will show and they may not have been a true friend to begin with. Also, in Young Goodman Brown, along his spiritual journey he encountered people he knew already, but then those people started to act the total opposite of what Goodman thought of his friends. This shows that in life, not everything is what it seems, no matter how you see it. Another example is
Another similarity in the stories is both of the characters are about their life styles and reasons for their actions. Emily and Matt are both seeking revenge. Matt murders Richard and Emily murders Homer out of revenge. Both character are strong and do what needs to be done. They are the same
3. What similarities and differences do these stories have in common, considering where and when they take place
The two stories both pit the idea of good against evil to explain the contrasting mechanisms of
The settings in the two stories are similar in the way that they both take place in a small town with a sense of poverty. The adults are portrayed as authoritative and the narrators feel trapped.
The similarities between the stories may not appear very apparent at first over closer analyzation the appear more apparent .Both stories are focused around a brother and a sister whom
One thing I noticed that was alike was the mood. At first the mood was happy in both stories. But then in The Monsters, something flew overhead and the mood changed. Then in The Andy Griffith Show this dude knows everything, so the mood changed. So now in both stories the mood is curious. In both things weird things just keep happening.
Did you know that “The Most Dangerous Game” and “The Hunters In The Snow” could be similar in so many ways but have some differences in both stories? There are two main characters in “The Most Dangerous Game” and that is Rainsford and General Zaroff and in “The Hunter In The Snow” has three main characters and that is supposedly friends and that is Tub, Frank, and Kenny. In both stories there are similar times that the elements of the two stories could have similarities and differences. In both stories there are instances that involves hunting. In the stories there could be as each characters have problems with each other or individual. In the stories there are times when the author wants to get the point across and allow the readers to
In the drama, ¨The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street¨ by Rod Serling, the plot is advanced by the importance of the events and characters’ actions by giving it interest and dimension. Tommy tells everyone about the monsters/aliens, but nobody believes him;¨They don't want us to leave.That's why they shut everything off,¨Tommy explains about the aliens, but no one believed him but soon after, it sparked the cause of the weird things happening.Charlie killed Pete Van Horn,¨You killed him, Charlie. You shot him dead!¨Charlie grabbed the gun and shot it at a dark figure that turned out to be Pete Van Horn, after that they begin to suspect Charlie is the monster. They all blame each other more intensely,¨I tell you, it's the kid.¨As the stress