The Monsters on Maple Street is an episode from the TV series Twilight Zone. The episode is about aliens from Outer Space who cut off everyone's electricity on Maple Street. The aliens wanted to see if the humans would turn on each other which is exactly what they did. The humans all started to accuse each other and at the end, they started to be violent and hurt each other. The aliens lesson or message is that without someone to blame people make up people to blame. One example of the aliens lesson is when the neighbors all start accusing each other. The text states “Charlie has to be the one.” “Where is the kid- Let's get him.” This proves the alien's message because when they turned off their power everyone started blaming each other because
In both versions there are many differences and few similarities. Rod Serling, changed updates to relate time period to a modern theme. "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street" 1960 version is black and white and the 2002 version is in color. The 1960 version is less violent how the 2002 version is very violent. The characters change for looking and dressing alike to look nothing alike in the 1960 episode everyone is white fancy as where the 2002 episode has people who don’t care who they look like and they don’t have the same skin color.
The plot is unrealistic in “The Monsters are due on Maple Street” because, the power does not just go off without storm presence, cars do not just start by themselves, the Aliens are not real. First things first. Look here. “The Monsters are due on Maple Street” is all about the local town people’s power and electronics going out. They start to panic when Tommy starts talking about the Aliens. Steve and Les Goodman cars starts by themselves. The town people get violent. The plot is unrealistic unrealistic in “The Monsters are due on Maple Street.” They also start accusing each other and in the end someone ends up dead. I believe this plot is unrealistic because the
A group of wireless sensor nodes (devices) dynamically constructs a temporary network without the exercise of any pre-existing network infrastructure or centralized administration. The main goal of ad-hoc networking is multihop broadcasting in which packets are transferred from source node to destination node through the intermediate nodes (hops). The main function of multi hop WSN is to enable communication between two terminal devices through a bit of middle nodes, which are transferring information from one level to another level. On the foundation of network connectivity, it dynamically gets to determine that which nodes should get included in routing, each node involved in routing transmit the data to further
In this essay Martin Preib, a small town journalist and police officer records his daily life on the job as rookie police officer. On Preib’s second day out of the Chicago Police Academy, sergeant handed him a large, heavy plastic bag and informed him that this would be a good experience. He was also provided with an enclosed truck that was slightly bigger than a van with “Police” on on its sides and rear. The wagon was used to not only transport newly arrested suspects for questioning or lockup but to carry dead bodies to the morgue. During the progression of the essay, Preib describes transporting patients in body bags, how he has an unlikely connection with his female partner, trains a younger officer and finds himself with people that are rendered invisible or forgotten by society. Preib depicts the complication of race and class in the heavily populated urban area.
Monster by Sanyika Shakur yields a firsthand insight on gang warfare, prison, and redemption. “There are no gang experts except participants (xiii)” says Kody Scott aka. Monster. Monster vicariously explains the roots of the epidemic of South Central Los Angeles between the Crips and the Bloods that the world eventually witnessed on April 29, 1992. As readers we learn to not necessarily give gangs grace but do achieve a better understanding of their disposition to their distinct perception in life.
Boom!! Pete’s dead. Charlie shot Pete. Pete was walking around seeing if everybody's power is off. Pete was walking In the shadow charlie got scared he thought Pete was a alien. This story is not realistic because Charlie shot Pete he said he thought he was a alien. Less Goodman’s car stared out of nowhere. A meteor flew overhead they thought it was a spaceship.
One of the main themes the author conveys is fear. In the teleplay, neighbors are afraid of each other because they don’t know who the aliens are and what they will do next. An example of fear is when Charlie shoots Pete Van Horn. Pete was walking back to Maple Street, and Charlie shot him, thinking Pete was the alien. “But.. I didn’t know he was… He comes walkin’ out of the darkness. How am I supposed to know he wasn’t a monster
What if someone you knew was not who they were? What if they were aliens or terrorists? That’s what happens in the 1960 and the 2003 version of Rod Serling’5s teleplay. In the 1960 version the neighbors are accusing each other of being aliens and taking away each other’s power from their houses and cars. While in the 2003 version they think terrorists are doing this from the recent 9/11. This shows that fear of the unknown can cause people to turn on each other.
Wow! One of the best stories ever created! The story is called The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street by Rod Serling. What he was trying to say in the story is humans have flaws. The two flaws were prejudice and suspicion that was in the story. The flaws that were prejudice and suspicion are constantly demonstrated throughout the story. The other types of flaws that can be found are scapegoat, attitudes, and there are weapons that are simply thoughts . . . to be found only in the minds of people, but it was harder to find so prejudice and suspicion are the easiest for some people.
Monster exists long time ago and they are everywhere. However, there are different types of monster, some that are good and some that are bad. Many people that watched monster films get the desire of being one of the monsters that appears in the film. This essay will argue the different aspects and effects that monsters have in a person. I will use two article that will help explain the differences aspects and actions of the monster. One of the articles is “Here Be Monsters” by Ted Genoways, second article is “Fear of the Monster is Really a Kind of Desired” by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen. “Monster can function as an alter ego, as an alluring projection of (an Other) self” (Cohen, 190). Furthermore, this essay will show some fallacies that the author
“There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices-to be found only in the minds of men.” This is the message that Rod Serling tried to convey to fans of The Twilight Zone through an episode called “The Monsters are Due on Maple Street.” The episode first aired in 1960, and a new version was made in 2003 called “The Monsters on Maple Street.” In the original, the power goes out because of a meteor and avid comic book reader Tommy convinces the whole street that there are aliens among them, except for voice of reason Steve Brand. In the remake, an entire street becomes fearful of terrorists after a power outage following an orange alert, except for Will Marshall, who believes the hysteria is crazy. Both versions prove that fear of the unknown can cause people to
The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street” is a screenplay by Rod Serling that was televised as part of the Twilight Zone television series, a popular series that began in 1959 and is still televised today. After reading and then watching the selection, I prefer the teleplay over the episode.
Why should a kid be tried as an adult and go to prison for no other reason than knowing a criminal? There were countless terrible choices made in this story, but these choices were not made by Steve Harmon. Steve was not the lookout for this robbery and definitely didn’t kill Mr. Nesbitt. There are three main reasons that prove Steve’s innocence: on multiple occasions, Steve said he was not there, he never was paid for his “participation”, and Mrs. Henry only saw two people both of which are known.
In the drama, ¨The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street¨ by Rod Serling, the plot is advanced by the importance of the events and characters’ actions by giving it interest and dimension. Tommy tells everyone about the monsters/aliens, but nobody believes him;¨They don't want us to leave.That's why they shut everything off,¨Tommy explains about the aliens, but no one believed him but soon after, it sparked the cause of the weird things happening.Charlie killed Pete Van Horn,¨You killed him, Charlie. You shot him dead!¨Charlie grabbed the gun and shot it at a dark figure that turned out to be Pete Van Horn, after that they begin to suspect Charlie is the monster. They all blame each other more intensely,¨I tell you, it's the kid.¨As the stress
Multiple experiences have better prepared myself for a future career in nursing. Within the last two years, I have volunteered at two large hospitals; job shadowed an intensive care nurse and developed several skills by working as a certified nursing assistant at Northshore Senior Day Center in Bothell, Washington. My experience at Northshore was a beneficial because there was a wide range of patients. Due to the diversity of patient conditions, I realized that each patient was unique and required different care. These experiences have influenced my decision to become a nurse, as well as my ultimate goal to become a nurse practitioner. The opportunity to work with the same patients was rewarding because I witnessed some overcome obstacles associated with their medical issues. Northshore helped me identify a weakness of my own, which was taking situations personally. For instance, while helping a patient go to the bathroom, she demanded to have another nursing assistant. Initially I felt rejected. With time I learned that when patients get upset; it usually is not about me. Hence, I am consciously working on taking things less personally because I will be dealing with distressed patients.