
The Moral Of The Story In The Canterbury Tales

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The Moral of the Story in The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales has an ultimate lesson at the end, just as every other literary work does. In some of them, he simply states what it is, or some may have to be inferred. During the time, many social and historical events were taking place; and in some instances, Chaucer chose to base the moral around it. While reading The Canterbury Tales, the audience gets entertainment and a basic knowledge of what life was like through the lessons he presents. All of the morals of the tales differ and hold their own significance. In the “Pardoner’s Tale”, the Pardoner directly tells the reader what the moral is, “Radix malorum est cupiditas,” or in simpler terms, money is the root of all evil (Chaucer 260). All throughout the “Pardoner’s Tale,” money is a large concept of the entire story. The Pardoner himself is gaining money for the church, and the three rioters fight and kill each other over the pot of gold. The youngest rioter went to get bread and wine for them and while he was gone, they decided it could not be split between the three of them, just two (“The Pardoner’s Tale” 141). At the same time, the youngest one thought it would nice to have the treasure all to himself, so he adds poison to the wine (“The Pardoner’s Tale” 142). The individuals would do essentially anything for money regardless of the extent. Money makes the story go around. Almost everything that takes place occurs because of money. The Pardoner preaches to

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