
The Most Dangerous Game General Zaroff Character Analysis

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Kate Carter 10/9/14 C Period Sociopaths 1 in 25 people are sociopaths, and there are 12 million living in the United States right now. Are you one? Are your neighbors, siblings or co-workers sociopaths? You may never know. Sociopaths often seem normal and lead a life just like yours. So how can you tell if someone’s a sociopath? They could be totally charming, attractive, and spontaneous but they could be hiding something from you, or may not even know themselves. Even though sociopaths are often charming, they are usually lacking emotions and only care about themselves. Do you know anyone who is a very good liar and never shows emotion? General Zaroff, in "The Most Dangerous Game" appears to be a sociopath and shows many traits of one. However, in order to spot a sociopath, you have to know more about them and their characteristics. In "The Most Dangerous Game," one of the main characters, General Zaroff is portrayed as a sociopath. This is because first of all, General Zaroff first appears to be very charming towards Rainsford. For instance, Zaroff greets him and invites him to dinner. On page 16 he says, "Now you want clothes, food, rest, and you shall have …show more content…

Brady was a rapist, serial killer and a kidnapper just like Ted Bundy. Brady and his partner Myra Hindley would kidnap kids, rape them, and then kill them. Their neighbors described them as “quiet and normal people.” Sociopaths are often disguised among many normal people and it is often hard to tell what they are really like behind closed doors. In “The Most Dangerous Game,” I bet if General Zaroff never told Rainsford about his little game, Zaroff could have gone a long acting like a normal person and Rainsford would have never of found out about him. After the killings, Brady and Hindley both felt no regret just like how Zaroff didn't care about killing people. General Zaroff in “The Most Dangerous Game” relates to Ian Brady and sociopaths

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