
The Most Honorable Characters In Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

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In Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer uses elevated words and phrases to develop the variety of characters presented. Some of these characters are role models and contribute greatly to the community, while others are the antithesis of this, being evil and dishonest. The most honorable characters are the knight, the parson, the plowman, and the clerk. All four of these individuals are hard-working and dedicated to his respected occupation. Each has a unique background and demonstrates love and compassion in different ways. In thesis, the knight, the parson, the plowman, and the clerk are idealized human beings in The Canterbury Tales. First off, there is the brave and honorable knight. He is a prominent leader that always completes the task at hand and is the epitome of what every knight should strive to be. Chaucer states the following: “To ride abroad had followed chivalry, / Truth, honor, generousness, and courtesy (45-46).” The knight is on the pilgrimage simply to give thanks to his God, and he has recently returned from fighting in the holy wars. …show more content…

Unlike the others, the clerk is not seen as a role model of any class. Rather, he lives more by his actions. He is fully dedicated to his job, which is learning and studying. “By his bed / He preferred having twenty books in red / And black, of Aristotle’s philosophy (303-05).” The clerk does not have many friends, and he is not an outgoing person; however, he loves what he does and strives to be the best at it. The clerk can honestly assert he has lived by this famous quote by Confucius: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Chaucer expresses, “Whatever money from his friends he took / He spent on learning or another book (309-10).” To sum things up, the clerk is not your traditional perfect representation of a particular social class, but he gives his best effort to pursue and fulfill his

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