
The Most Important Thing I Learned

Decent Essays

Stories in Action
As a leader I feel I learn best from doing, experiencing and living my story. I’m going to own up to not being a great storyteller upfront. I make mistakes and I try things that don’t work. However, the experience itself is valuable for the bigger picture of the person I’m becoming. The most important thing I’ve learned in these two modules is that as leaders we need to have the desire to be storytellers and actively practice the skills we are learning. So, I will do that a great deal in this essay, practice that is. It is through telling stories that we build skill and become more effective at using this technique as a form of creative leadership.
Stories play an integral part in the foundation of a leader. They allow a …show more content…

For example, I lead a service unit that relies heavily on the operations unit of the organization to get things right. So in my “who I am” (Simmons, 2006, p.8) story there is value in me sharing that for the last 10 years I led operations. That I understand there are challenges to getting things right and the plan that they are working towards to continue to improve performance. They will find value in knowing that I have many good relationships with the leaders in operations and intend to keep them informed on the issues that impact us and ask for their partnership to get them resolved.
In my “why I am here” (Simmons, 2006, p.12) story I begin to dig a little deeper into my motivation. I could say something entertaining like my daughter needs to go to college someday so I need to work. While relatable, it makes it seem like I’m only here for a paycheck. When in reality, I love to work with our customers. I love to help people make the most of the health insurance they purchase. I learned first handed two years ago when my ten year old daughter was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type 1 how much people rely on their health insurance. Each month as I fill her 9 prescriptions totaling thousands of dollar, that we rely on to keep her alive and healthy, I’m grateful. The list of those who I’m grateful for is very long these days but at the top are the great

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