
The Most Scholar Among Us

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In an incredibly long winded and organized chaotic way the author manages to bore his audience with repetitive “dumbed down versions” of what could have been described as a three part system of good, bad, and not caring. And whose view can never be fully fulfilled only with an understanding of given little reasoning can these parties come to an unreasoning middle ground. Sure you could have said this in a much easier way but there’s no American polity without boredom. This author tries to make light of a topic that otherwise would dumb found the most scholar amongst us. Yet repetitive issues and situations are plentiful yet not necessary in my opinion. You can only give definition of reform in the initial chapter so many times. Before you …show more content…

As the author stated in on 1.7 how to think about reformed the author opens up with "reform proposal are a dime a dozen, or maybe cheaper, and the old maxim "if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it" might be useful guidance (12).” Trying to reform everything to give a slight edge to and individual, a group, or even an agenda sees like greed’s face rearing up to overwhelm good men who have at one point or another been at the forefront of a good cause. Yet I fail to understand how the author has given so many pros and cons and has yet to show the “what ifs” as a valid argument to reform. Before you eventually say “I’m done” with a topic whose very core is complex, one is not expected to be bombarded with complex examples and never-ending definitions, who build off of one another yet constantly going back to the same definitions. In the beginning of chapter two Radical reforms, it stated most of the resent battles over federalism-relying on the tenth amendment’s dictate that “power not granted to the United States by the Constitution, nor pro-habited by it to the States, are reserved for the States, respectively, or to the people”. My question lies in this, it’s plain to see the balancing act to keep everyone happy. But why is the government so torn. If the author is correct it only takes a few to change things for the ‘greater good”. So why it is that it’s nearly

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